Ep. 107 – You Are Your Most Important Client


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome to Five Minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated upon the journey of life and business. So today, everybody, I want to talk about how you are your most important client

So early on in mine and Andrews journey in business, we put our focus on our clients, we’re like, oh, we want to take care of them, we want to make sure our offerings are good. We want to make sure our processes, we want to take care of our clients as best as possible. And as a result, we backpedaled on ourselves a lot. So we backpedaled on our own marketing, we backpedaled on our own sales, we backpedaled and making us a priority. And as time went on, you know, and I, as time went on, we realized our mistake. But also the thing that really clicked later was we couldn’t serve clients, if we’re if we’re not growing in business, how can we serve them better? How can we build how we can we create an improve if we’re not taking care of ourselves.

And I’m saying this, because the universal principle here is you treat others the way you treat yourself. And so if you are not doing What is best for you, how are you going to do what’s best for others. And this is so true in business. This is true in friendship, this is true in marriage, if you’re not doing what’s best for you now best for you does not equal selfish best for you does not mean you’re being self absorbed, always doing What you want. No, What is best for you is to be selfless. What is best for you is to operate with principles, What is best for you is to improve and invest in yourself as a person and it works the same way in a company, what’s best for you as a business is to improve yourself, and then to improve the company and your weak areas. And What is best for you is to be selfless as a company and choose to be selfless, but not subservient or not like self sacrificing in a negative way.

And I really think that this is something that really happens a lot like there’s we’ve found that most people go into one or two ditches in this most businesses, most people personally, they either go into the ditch of cool, I am now self sacrificing negatively in a harmful way to put everybody before me, or I’m just on the self absorbed side where I’m only thinking about myself. I’m never thinking about my customer. And I’m never thinking about next steps to move forward. As a result, either one of those ditches are harmful because you’re not actually doing what’s best for you. What’s best is right down the middle to where I do let go of things that I want, I do let go of the selfishness the self absorbness, I do release my wants and desires to do What is best for us in the long term, which means I’m going to do what’s best for the company in the long term. Which means that I’m doing what’s best for the clients in the long term.

It works the same way in marriage, right? If I’m going to really invest myself improve, as a person improve as a husband. And as I get there improve as a father, it’s going to be better for my kids, it’s going to be better for my wife, it’s going to be better for everybody all across the board. But it starts with me. And What happens is, in business, we often forget about ourselves. And we often forget how important the most vital thing is. So for instance, like, we’ve worked with a lot of clients where they’re like, Hey, this is where 90% of our revenue comes from awesome how much budget is allocated to growing that improving that and ensuring that and safeguarding it, and then how much budget is allocated to produce an additional stream of revenue, so that you so that if something happens, to that 90% of revenue, you’re not just screwed later down the road? And you’d be surprised a lot of people don’t have answers to either of those questions one they don’t know, or the budgets minimal towards both because Oh, yeah, we tend to ignore the things that are most important to us and the things that we should do.

And I’m just saying this because this was something Andrew and I did early on, we really ignored the areas that were most important to us. We didn’t start marketing until much later, and we were wrong for doing so. And we didn’t go out of business. But looking back, it’s like man, like we were worried about keeping promises to customers to a fault. And then looking back and realizing, wow, if we went out of business, we’re not keeping any promises to any customers period. And so if we don’t mark it for ourselves, and we go out of business, everybody who’s put their trust in us, everybody who believes in us to help them get where they want to get in life, to help them achieve their dreams and to help them achieve their dreams and visions. We’re not doing any of that because we went out of business and now we’re breaking promises in a worse way. And so anyways, I’m saying this because you’re your most important client and to Really think about doing what’s best for yourselves. Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch y’all later peace

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