Ep. 473 – Clarity: Speed and Confidence
Take actionable steps, even if they are not perfect, to avoid stagnation and move forward.
Ep. 470 – Reputation and Trust, Gone In a Moment
Trust and reputation are as difficult to build as they are easily destroyed.
Ep. 467 – Letting Go, Easier Said Then Done
Finding happines by letting go of the things beyond one’s control.
Ep. 458 – Why I Talk About Simple
Simple actions and goals are often overlooked due to societal pressures that complicate them.
Ep. 446 – It’s Not Potential, It’s Focus
Failure is often due to a lack of focus and discipline, not a lack of potential or skill.
Ep. 440 – The Dangers of Winning
Check yourself if you experience many wins in a row to avoid arrogance creeping in.
Ep. 433 – Where You Are In Life = Your Current Capacity
Life stages are directly correlated to one’s capacity to lead and build.
Ep. 416 – Learning How To Lose
Failure is an inevitable part of life, but it can provide opportunities for growth if we can pick ourselves back up and learn from the experience.
Ep. 411 – Pausing With Self Control
Self-control in one area can spread to other areas of life.
Ep. 410 – Don’t Sweat The Big Things
Success is built through a series of small steps taken consistently.
Ep. 409 – The Small Decision To Be Grateful
Small decisions, like choosing to be grateful, can make or break your day.
Ep. 405 – Self Awareness, You Got to Know You
If you don’t know you, you are not going to be able to move forward in life the way that you want to.