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Ep. 393 – It’s All Theory Until You Ship It

Until actions are taken, plans remain theoretical, you need to include measurable data in your plan to learn and grow.
Ep. 390 – It’s All The Same

Strive to be consistent as a person with the same values both publicly and privately.
Ep. 386 – Let Go of How You Want To Do It

The importance of submitting to the principles of business to be successful.
Ep. 364 – Pay it Forward First

Paying it forward first, no strings attached, not looking for return. Looking to give and serve.
Ep. 276 – Not Looking = Not Existing

It’s important to have sight in life and business to be able to identify problems and move forward.
Ep. 268 – The Best Outcomes Come From Inspiring Others

The importance of leaders inspiring and facilitating the personal growth and success of their team members.
Ep. 261 – Independence, It’s Not What You Think

Michael discusses the misconceptions of independence in leadership.
Ep. 246 – Leadership Is Predicated On Serving

Leaders serve their teams, making them greater than themselves.
Ep. 243 – Make Them Greater

Having a heart position in leadership, investing in people and making others better than yourself.
Ep. 239 – Going First

Being selfless and going first in business to serve people, rather than selfishly protecting oneself.
Ep. 211 – Don’t Chase Money

Making money your sole purpose and goal in life will lead to customer neglect and affect long-term success.
Ep. 204 – Money Can’t Drive

Making money the dictator of happiness or success will lead to poverty in other areas of life.