Ep. 378 – Schedule It…

Setting deadlines for difficult tasks to gain momentum.
Ep. 368 – Upfront Work = Freedom From Micro Management

Drafting goals and documentation for franchising parts of the company to team members.
Ep. 359 – It’s Harder To Build The Directions Than The Lego

Building infrastructure and processes to facilitate agency among team members.
Ep. 352 – Work Ethic Mindset: Celebrating The Discipline

Valuing the work and discipline throughout the journey is more important than just celebrating the outcome.
Ep. 341 – Shipping Does Not Mean…

Shipping doesn’t mean haphazard delivery, there should be thoughtful planning behind delivery.
Ep. 316 – The Idea Jar

Focus on the present, allow your work to become self-sustained before moving on to the next step.
Ep. 308 – Building Out The Plan To Get Out

Have a plan for how to get out of doing the work that you don’t want to do.
Ep. 271 – If I’m The Solution Then They Are The Problem

Viewing oneself as a solution and a lack of clear processes can lead to a toxic work culture.
Ep. 269 – Where Do You Apply Leverage

Leaders must learn how to prioritize and allocate resources to address urgent issues while also working on long-term improvements.
Ep. 264 – Healthy Teams…

Michael discusses what it means to have a healthy team.
Ep. 260 – Keep It Clean

Chaos hinders creativity and productivity, but organization and cleanliness can improve work efficiency and move a company forward.
Ep. 258 – Three Types of Outcomes – Addition | Multiplication | Exponential

Michael discusses the limitations of the 3 outcomes of work: addition, multiplication, and exponential.