Ep. 112 – How I Got Started With Josh Joseph


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Show Notes:

Josh used regret in the future to motivate him to start now.

He did not want to waste any more time.

He was able to identify what he would regret if he didn’t get started.

Check out Josh’s Business: https://www.seakyourbrand.com/

Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:09
What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m welcome to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And I got a special guests with me today is Josh Joseph. What’s up, Josh?

Josh Joseph 0:23
Hi Michael, happy to be here.

Michael Abernathy 0:24
Thanks for coming, man, I really appreciate you coming. So Josh, for today, one of the things that we talked about was one of the reasons why you got started doing your own thing and doing your own hustle. You want to talk to me about that?

Josh Joseph 0:39
Yeah, yeah, it’s, you know, I mean, it goes back far, you know, just kind of analyzing myself and job satisfaction, and my you know, my earlier jobs and then leave one job and be like, you know, this is the same, I kind of missed that other job. And I’d go back to it. And I remember just how much I didn’t like it. But then I’m like, Well, What keeps bringing me back to this, and in some instances, it was like, the social aspect. And I was like, Oh, I actually have to try a little bit to get more social engagement now that I’m at this, more isolatory job. And so you know, that that kind of started me in thinking about job satisfaction in general. And so I started reading books about it here and there, and, you know, move on, you know, stick at that job still for a while, but I know, it was kind of like, remember, the content I consumed about job satisfaction. And, you know, like, I’d say, that’s a good 10 years before I finally just was like, Alright, I’m really gonna go for a career that I want to go for. I was like, What aspects do I want, you know, looking back, I was like, I know, I like social aspect of my job. I know, I like these little little details I want, I want things that I can complete and be proud of. And, you know, I wish I had had to be intentional, which also kind of pointed me at working for myself in a way, you know, really choosing the customers I want to work with, doing the work that I enjoyed doing, and that keeps me engaged. And so, you know, I started going for digital marketing. And I was like, you know, I want to do a full time job. And I also want to have three clients. And so that was my kind of starting point. And getting me to where I’m at right now, which was pretty recent.

Michael Abernathy 2:11
That’s cool, man. You talked to me, too. One things that you said that really stuck out to me was, you told me that if you didn’t try, if you didn’t just try it, you’re going to regret it in the next seven to 10 years. And can you walk me through kind of that whole process to how you came to that conclusion?

Josh Joseph 2:29
Yeah, it’s interesting, because just through the introspection, I started learning What I was passionate about. And there were a lot of exercises I did to figure that out. And there was a lot of weeding out What other people told me I should be doing and be thinking about, you know, subscribing to that belief, versus like, intrinsically What I want to do. And I’ve been through many things to figure that out. But somehow I started being able to recognize that I would regret like not doing things. And usually, it was through identifying my passions on paper or something like that. And almost subconsciously, if an opportunity came up, like, oh, no, I don’t want to do that. That sounds scary. But it clicked, I was like, There’s something in here that I’ve gone over that, that I want to do. And, you know, I’m like, I’m scared to do it. And, you know, if I, if I ended up not doing the thing, like, let’s say, you know, I’m pretty introverted person, I don’t really go out and party. And you know, I’ve been a part of a few things, and they go out, and they party afterward. And I’m like, you know, I don’t go so many times, and I start regretting it. And then, and then I was like, you know, I’m just gonna make myself go to these things. And I started going to them to do a few of them. I’m like, you know, I really don’t like these. Like, I’m kind of kidding myself and thinking, I like these things. And so, but I had to try and see if I was gonna regret not hanging out with these people afterward or not. And I ended up not regretting it. But there were other things that I’d go, and I’d try. And I was like, I love this. And then another opportunity like that would come up. And if I didn’t go, I was like, I now feel that passion has soured into shame, or regret. So

Michael Abernathy 4:04
that’s cool. That’s cool. Because I think I think the hardest part in life a lot of times is starting. And I actually think it’s really cool. Because one of the things that you mentioned is you had a lot of jobs. And I think that’s really important, too, just because the vast experience that you’ve had going from place to place and learning What you don’t like, which is just as much a part of learning What you do, like, how do you personally, how do you find yourself like you’ve mentioned the introspection, and you got 30 seconds for this. So it’s not like I’m doing you any favors? Because I’m asking you at the end. How did you find yourself like, What do you do in order to find out like, What you’re afraid of, or What you regret, like, what’s your process for that?

Josh Joseph 4:46
I would say doing a whole moral inventory and kind of being direct about about that intentionally learn how to meditate, but there’s a great book I read is this one’s a short book, but it was Move your cheese and my take away for that one was, What would I do if I wasn’t afraid? And so I really try to consider that question like, What somebody What I would do not being be behind my eyes, What would I do if I wasn’t afraid? It’s like, that sounds like something I would do like I would enjoy doing. So being able to separate the fear from the passion is tricky.

Michael Abernathy 5:20
man, but that’s so cool. I think that’s great. And we’re gonna leave everybody with that. Like, if you really want to look at yourself, look at yourself, like you’re standing in somebody else’s shoes or through somebody else’s eyes, or if you’re not afraid. So man, thanks for joining the show. We’re out of time. And I really appreciate you coming on. You want to say goodbye to everybody.

Josh Joseph 5:38
Thanks, Michael. Happy to be here.

Michael Abernathy 5:40
You’re welcome, man. Thanks for coming and everybody. I’ll catch you next time. Peace.

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