Ep. 115 – You Cannot Win or Lose Without Measurement


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Episode Transcript

What is up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the attorney of life and business, I hope you’re doing well hope life is treating you guys good. Today, everybody, I want to talk about how you cannot win without measurement. Okay. And this is What I mean.

Oftentimes, we actually have a goal, or we’re working towards something, or we have a purpose, right? We’re creating, we’re building we’re trying to get somewhere. But we never actually define What the finish line looks like. We never actually define how we’re going to get there, we never define What the end goal looks like, we never defined any of that. Because Here’s, Here’s the real deal. constant improvement is forever, it never ends, you’re never going to reach perfection, it’s you’re never going to achieve perfection, it’s never going to be that. And so if you are looking to win, if you’re actually looking to have a finish line for anything that you’re currently working on in business and life in your journey, you have to have a finish line, you got to and then that finish line must be defined by yourself. So you’ve got to define What the finish line looks like. Okay?

And really, What I’m saying is you cannot win without measurement. If you’re not measuring how do you know you’ve won. So like when we first started doing advertising, and when we started offering services for advertising and things like that. One of the things that we kept talking to our clients about was, hey, you have to ask, you got to ask customers, where did they come from? Where did they come from? How do they find out about your services? How did they find out about you? How did they get here? How did they arrive at this destination? Right. And if you don’t ask that, we have no idea if the marketing is working internally, like we can see the marketing translate from traffic outside of the site to the site and then clicking on certain things. But we there’s no form of measurement. So we don’t know if the marketing is actually working. We don’t know if it’s doing What you want it to do. Because there’s no other further measurement within the company, all measurements stopped with us, and never proceed further with the client.

And that’s how life works. If you don’t actually measure and you don’t come up with a definitive line of measurement. And you’re not looking at the finish line, you have no idea if you actually made it or not, you have no idea how far you’ve actually come how far you have to go, or whether you’ve actually completed your goal or your journey or not. Right? How do you know when something is good enough to ship? How do you know that you’ve actually completed that process. Another thing that we learned early on was when we are doing development or when we are working projects would be endless. Because we keep finding things to improve, we didn’t have any standards and say, Hey, this was good enough, our quality is well above and A plus. And we should ship we didn’t have a standard like that. So we just kept improving and improving and improving and projects would never end.

And I’m saying this because you and I without defining What quality looks like without defining the finish line for a project without defining the finish line or the shipping date. And why something is actually able to pass through quality control to ship and be shipped out of our lives in our journey. Without defining that we will never do it, it’ll be an endless cycle of just getting stuck and spinning over and over and over to improve. And so I’m saying this because if you don’t define the finish line, you can never win. And if you don’t define your starting line, if you don’t know where you’re starting from, you’ll never begin the race. For instance, I tell people all the time, if you don’t know where you’re at, how do you know that you’re going to go eat at the restaurant just down the street? How do you know to get there? So for instance, I’m in Georgia, right? I want to go to the beach? How if I don’t know that I’m in Georgia, how am I going to map and plan my way right to Florida to go to the beach? I don’t know. And that’s the same thing with What I’m talking about right now, if you don’t measure and define the finish line, you are not going to win. And you actually will never be able to start if you don’t take a correct assessment of where you’re at right now currently.

And where you’re at right now currently matters. It doesn’t matter whether you’re negative, neutral or positive with What you’re doing. It doesn’t matter matter whether you’re behind the curve or whether you have a lot of work ahead of you or whether you’re starting off on a better foot or whether you’re actually positive in a lot of areas. It can get momentum quickly. None of that matters. What matters is is that you understand where you are at today in order to be able to get where you want to go tomorrow. And both of those things require measurement. And so without that you have no idea if you’ve won or if you’ve lost if you don’t know and haven’t defined the finish line or the start line. You will never know if you’ve actually won or lost.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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