Ep. 117 – How To Get Over Analysis Paralysis


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. I hope you’re doing well hope life is treating you good.

So I actually want to talk about a conversation Andrew and I had, he’s my business partner, I want to talk about conversation we had the other day, on one of our morning scrums was about analysis paralysis. And we’ve been working on an offering we’ve been working on bettering our offering. And one of the things that has happened has come out of this is, Andrew realized he didn’t want to ship certain pieces and parts that we had already built out because he was stuck in the analysis paralysis. In other words, he was stuck just sitting there analyzing and looking over things and reviewing to make sure everything is just perfect, everything is set. He’s trying to make it as absolutely pristine and perfect as possible. And as a result he’s stuck and because he’s stuck the offering’s stuck, the team is stuck. The processes are stuck and everything else that goes around and is associated with it is stuck and the reason why is because he is stuck trying to be perfect.

And I don’t know if I’ve said this before, but one of the things that Andrew and I have talked about a lot, one of the first lessons we we learned was perfection is the perfect trap. If you’re trying to make things absolutely perfect before shipping, versus improving along the way, as you ship, you will be stuck and you won’t go anywhere, it will actually curb stomp anything that you are currently trying to achieve or do. Whether it’s in business, whether it’s in your personal life, it doesn’t matter if you are trying to get a better job. If you just get stuck trying to figure out What that better job is or trying to find the most perfect job, you will actually never get a better job, you will be stuck. Because perfection does not exist. And you’re looking for something that does not exist, versus let me improve along the way. In other words, okay, for my current capabilities in my current knowledge set, and my current decision making framework that operated this is the best possible decision that I can make.

If I take more time to learn, grow and change, could I make a better one? Yes. But that answer is always yes. So because I don’t need to take more time to learn, grow and change. What I need to do is ship it. And I’ve talked about this before I’ve talked about shipping is so important. And instead of being stuck in this mindset of trying to find the perfect answer, it’s really about improvement. And this is What Andrew and I talked about because he was stuck analyzing all the data. And stuck in this certain position. We talked about, hey, ship it, we’ll learn better from you shipping it because we’ll learn where the pipes leak and then we’ll be able to fix along the way. And if we really have the heart to serve and care for the customers that this has been shipped to. Even though the offering isn’t perfect, and I’m air quoting, we will actually do a better job along the way because our hearts are in the right position to communicate with them. And then to love them, serve them and make sure things do not end up bad for them along the way.

And as a matter of fact, surprise, surprise, it didn’t. The problems that Andrew was trying to avoid, actually didn’t turn out to be problems at all. And so I’m saying this because the way to get over just being paralyzed with not doing something or trying to make the best decision or analysis paralysis, as I called it earlier, is literally if you’ve reached analysis paralysis, the best thing for you to do is actually do and make a decision about whatever you’re stuck on. You need to free yourself from that position and move to different vantage point because life is a journey. It’s a walk. And so the moment that you move from point A to point B, just by making a yes or no decision, we’re doing this or we’re not doing this, this is the direction or this is not the moment you do that the scenery will change. Your view will change you will learn and change if you’re paying attention. And then you can actually improve and get better.

Life is not a game of perfection. It is not trying to be perfect. And everybody’s like, Oh, it’s perfect. You know, you look at these big brands who’ve made these amazing products like Apple or Google it like oh, it’s perfect. It’s like no, they didn’t start that way. They started in exactly What I’m telling you. Let’s get it to as best as we possibly can in our current state. Let’s ship it and then improve it and then ship it again. Then improve it then in ship that improvement then improve again and then ship and improve and ship and improve in that’s how it works. And if you look at your adulthood, if you look at your journey where you got to where you currently are that’s how your whole life work. You didn’t start off learning calculus you start learning how to count and then you improve.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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