Ep. 172 – Subtraction. Less is More


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome to THE a.m guys. Welcome to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life business, I hope you’re doing well hope life is treating you good. I’m gonna go ahead and get on into this guys. I want to talk about how less is more. Okay. And I’m talking about this one, there’s multiple ways to talk about this to approach this and how this applies in lots of areas. But I specifically want to talk about how this is really true when it comes to making decisions. I think it’s really true when it comes to really offering client solutions or different things like that.

And I’m going to start with this I want to read you something so according to a study in the Journal of natural human behavior, and this was part of a research team at Caltech, they determined that somewhere between 8 to 15 choices is the optimal number to give somebody, okay? Now, think about that. Like as people, the optimal number for us to consider and way to make choices is 8 to 15. That’s crazy, when you think about how life is really endless in terms of options. And it is actually interesting how that plagues us in decision making. It plagues us in direction it plagues us in our lives for us to be aimless. And we actually often times to me, it seems that we are overwhelmed with choices. And then we don’t do the work to actually through the choices to find that eight to 15 things that we might actually want to do, whether it’s a new job, whether it’s actually What we need to do within the company, right.

And if you think about that, you think about leading a business and a company from minimal amount of choices as possible as optimal for you to make the best decision. It’s like to 8 to 15 and that’s crazy. Because most of the time, there are so many things going on at once it’s very easy to get lost in the fray, it’s very easy to get lost in What I call fake work. And fake work is work that is not attached to a greater good, nor does it actually produce for momentum in your life towards your greater good and towards your true purpose. And when we have more than eight to 15 choices, it seems to be that we get lost in the weeds, and we don’t know What to do with ourselves, and we don’t know how to move forward.

And this is where less is more comes in. Okay. When there are so many things to do. It is not a game of What should I do? It becomes a game of elimination, it becomes a game of subtraction, What do I not need in my life? How do I get things out of my life? How do I live in more simpler terms? How do I find the decisions I need to make? How do I actually see the options I need to do? Or excuse me, how do I see the options that I have to choose from and then to pick the option that I need to do. And that is all about subtraction, it is all about saying no and taking away. And for some reason. We as people have a problem with taking things away, we view it as negative versus positive. And really, when you take things away, life tends to become simpler, and things seem to be more positive. And then they seem to grow in a more positive manner.

For instance, the downfall of every nation, if you think about this, the downfall of every nation ends with materialism. I mean, think about What Rome was materialism and entertainment. And so it seems to be that way with the human body too. If you are eating too much, if you have too much and trying to do too many things in terms of food and consumption, it ends up hurting and harming you. And that seems to be universal across just decision making. In general, when we’re trying to do too many things. It hurts us and I’ve talked about focus before about, you know how focus really is like setting your energy and your sight on one thing and saying no to others. And then that way, it helps you move forward and speed up in the direction that you actually want to move forward in. And that comes back to the loss of track. I mean, the loss of traction, that’s What I’m going to say it really What it is, is being able to say no and every time you say no, it moves you forward and the direction you need to go.

And so if you’re if you got decisions to make if you need to find your purpose, if you need to try and find your real work, you got to start eliminating things. And Here’s an example if you know What you don’t want and you begin eliminating like hey, I don’t want to live in to me, I don’t want to live in mediocracy then that then turns into Okay, cool. I want to be a producer I want to live better, and outside mediocracy or another example of this is if you know What you don’t want and you begin eliminating things. Another example is I don’t want to be dependent on others to provide for me and then in turn that turns into financial freedom. Just to give you an example of What I’m talking about.

Well guys, I’m out of time. So I’ll catch y’all later. Peace.

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