Ep. 177 – How to Fix Stuck


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. So today, I actually wanted to talk about how to fix stuck.

So first, let me back up before I even get into this too deeply. First, I want to say I am a big believer in shipping first flying the plane, and then landing it making repairs, improvements, those sorts of things. And What I’m about to say, really comes from that belief, and from that concept, and I was working with one of our other companies. And I was talking to Jonathan, one of the guys in the company, one of the other co founders, and we are talking about how when we get stuck, the principle is immediately to ship whatever we’re doing. So because Here’s why, the moment we’re stuck, it means that we are actually doing the best that we possibly can do in that moment, we can no longer overcome this obstacle, because we have produced to the point of we have produced to the point where What is needed to overcome the obstacle that is causing us to be stuck is beyond What we’re currently capable of. And we actually have to ship and sometimes that’s throwing things into a production environment and beginning to run with it. Sometimes it is actually shipping and actually shipping out live, okay, or it’s just shipping, but it’s like cool, this is good enough, we’re running with it.

And then the moment we begin running with it, it actually induces failure. And we know it’s not good enough, when we’re shipping, we know it’s incomplete. But Here’s the thing is that induction of failure is so important, because the moment that failure is induced. And this is assuming if you have a growth mindset, which includes willing to be wrong, that failure automatically produces growth and change personally, and towards whatever’s happening in that project. And then immediately from there. Now, because of that new growth, and that new change that you have, you’re able to overcome that previous obstacle that was keeping you from moving forward. And oftentimes, we simply don’t move forward because we don’t ship. And we’re trying to figure out how to overcome whatever needs to be done. And we actually can’t, we’re not capable yet, as people or as individuals, we don’t have the skill sets, we don’t have the mindsets, we don’t have whatever it is, we’re not capable of overcoming that obstacle. And we actually have to change who we are in order to overcome. And as a result, we need failure to be induced in our lives and shipping, especially when you’re dealing with products, or you know, companies, services, processes, whatever it is that you are stuck on.

When you ship when you release, cool, awesome, I’ve done my due diligence, it’s time to move this over to quality assurance. Let me just ship it out to them. Let me ship it out to the next part of the process, you immediately induce failure and that failure produces growth. Right. And again, I’m saying like this is under the assumption that you’re willing to be wrong, if you’re not willing to be wrong, the failure isn’t going to produce growth, you’re just going to continue that cycle of stuck. And on also, a lot of the reason why we don’t ship is we are unwilling to be wrong. And we’re unwilling to actually induce failures in our lives because we don’t want to be wrong. And then as a result, we don’t grow. We don’t ship anything in the we actually never overcome the hurdles in our way in business.

And a good rule of thumb that we have that we normally operate by is once it gets to 80%. Awesome, ship it, we got to ship it, whatever it is in it, once it gets to 80%, we have to ship out the door. And then that immediately produces a door for us to move through and improve. Now, I’m not saying that you do not try your best. And I’m not saying you do not produce something that is of high caliber or high quality before shipping it. The problem is, is we get stuck in trying to make the most perfect thing.

It’s like we’re trying to build the apple of today 30 years ago when it wasn’t even capable of becoming What it is today. And we get stuck in that. And it’s like no, Apple was built through multiple iterations consistently throughout days, weeks, months and years. And that’s really how life works. And What I’m talking about is actually going through an iteration process. Nike actually just did this, by the way, I believe, if I remember correctly from What I was reading, Nike is doing 30 Day stents, like one month steps. They no longer have 10 year vision, everything is done in small, quick iterations. And then they want to have immediate feedback on those iterations. And then they want to improve and grow. And I actually think that’s really smart because that’s the exact same thing what I’m talking about once you get to 80%. Cool, gotta ship it. And then immediate improvement comes from that if we’re willing to be wrong and if we’re We’re willing to look objectively at What we just shipped.

Anyways guys, that’s the key to getting unstuck, and I’m a time so I’ll catch y’all later peace

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