Ep. 193 – Three Ways To Think And Act


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. guys. Welcome to Five Minute Rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Hey, real quick, if you know somebody that this show would help, and it would better their lives, or even help them get better at business, or move forward in life to where they want to go. Would you share this with them? And would you partner with me getting the word out? If you don’t know anybody, would you mind reading the show and leaving a review, and it would be so much appreciated. Anyways, guys, thank you so much for the partnership and for the help.

So last episode, I talked about writing it down. And I talked about really What a business is, and defining that, I want to talk about the three ways that we need to think and act in business and really in life in general, because this really applies to whatever you’re doing. And I’ve said it a lot of the show that this isn’t just for business, the things that I’m talking about seem to universally apply to everyday life as well. And one of the reasons for that I personally believe is that I’m the same person, I am in business, that I am at home. And if I am multiple different people, I probably have a problem because the man that I am behind closed doors and closets should be the exact same person out in front of everybody. And I firmly believe that and so many ways.

The three ways to think and act are entrepreneur, manager and technician. And if you haven’t read the E Myth, you should, it helps give me language and help give answer that language in our journey. And we had different words for these, we really had words for we had management, and we talked about being technical. And we talked about rhythm. And so for us, it was entrepreneur equals rhythm. And then management equals manager and being technical equals technician. And we thought that Emyth had much better language than What we did. And if you’ve never read that book, I encourage you to, it’s a great book.

But anyways, going back to the three ways to think and act in every area of life, and whatever we’re doing, we have to act these three ways. And I’ve said this before, if you’ve listened to the Hey, you actually have to think then you have to plan and then you have to do it. It’s the same thing. I’m just breaking it down a different way. And so in business, when you’re starting your own business, a lot of times we start our own business, we look at our boss and go, oh, I can do What he’s doing, I can do this. When I work for somebody, I said the same thing, I can do this, I could build this, it’d be easy. And then as a result doing the work, it’s like, oh, no, this is not What I thought this is not What I thought it was going to be okay. And then I find out that I’m not actually, I don’t actually own a company that the LLC that I have is really just a facade for me owning my own company. I’m just self employed, and I’m just a contractor.

And so one of mine and Andrew’s goals early on was to get out of the business and to leave the business, and, and not be a part of the actual production, but actually create an entity that is self sustaining on its own. And that requires entrepreneurship. And What that means is it is the vision. And is the ability to think the long term is the ability to think in unintended consequences and intended consequences and mapping them out. And then from there going down into the manager, which is actually how do I implement the vision within the company. And then you have the technical or the technician producers, people who are actually working for you who are actually executing the vision.

And everything you do breaks down into these three things, right? Like, I’ve got a vision for my family, awesome, how am I going to communicate that? How’s that going to be implemented? My wife and I talked about how we’re going to raise our kids, right? Well, how’s that going implemented? And then who’s doing the implementation? Well, in that scenario, I’m all three of those people, right? I’m an entrepreneur, I’m the manager. And I’m the technician. And that’s how life operates a lot.

And it’s so much easier when you can see how you’re operating, you can see the pieces you’re operating in. And you actually understand the work you’re doing because the technicians work is very different than entrepreneurs work. And a managers work is very different than the technicians and entrepreneurs work. And they require three different skill sets, they require three different brain functions, you could say, like the ability to think, and they require, like three different sets of actions in order to actually do What you’re supposed to do in that area or in that subset. Right.

And so, I’m saying this, because when you are beginning your own company, it is so easy to just think oh, yeah, I’m, I don’t know, I’m just gonna say coding a website, because that’s What we started with. I’m coding a website. I have a business nope, that’s not What a business is. Oh, yeah, I’m writing down all these processes. Awesome. You don’t have any employees or, Hey, I’m just doing this. I’m doing that I’m just only manager and like, you cannot get stuck in one. You actually have to be all three. And even though I’m out of the business a lot I come down to the technician or, you know the producer side a lot because I need to be in their shoes to think What they’re thinking What we’re building because I’m not just building it for us, it affects them and affects the customers as well.

Anyways guys, that’s it for today. So there’s the rant I’ll catch you later peace

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