Ep. 196 – Will Do, Never Do


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Well, guys, real quick today, I want to talk about will do never do. And What I mean by this is actually having a list of non negotiables, or principles in your life that you’re founded on. And Here’s why two reasons. One, you’ve got to be founded as an individual, if you’re trying to build a company, if you’re trying to build or create something in your life of value, you’ve got to be founded. And you’ve got to be founded on principles and morals and ethics. Otherwise, your life is just framed around selfishness. And the only thing that comes out of that is destruction. And we can look at the world currently and see how that is taking effect to day in, in like really bad ways, both from the corporate side and business side. And both from an employer, employee size a team members and different things, and just how the world is working now. And it’s because we’re losing our foundation of who we are as a country and who we are as people and who we are as individuals.

And so this list is so important in the business, and it is so important for you as a person in so to give you an example of non negotiables. I’ll give you some personal ones.

One of one of mine is I will always be honest, and I will not be dishonest in this happens in my life. I will not be dishonest, okay, I’m in my room alone, am I gonna eat that chocolate bar and lie to myself that I want to lose weight? I’m, I’m behind closed doors, nobody sees me. Right? And so What am I going to do? And I want to be honest, I want to be honest with myself, I’m going to be honest with my wife, I’m going to be honest with my friends. Cool. I ate the chocolate bar. Alright, well, now I gotta go tell somebody because I can’t lie about it and pretend that I’m somebody else. Or pretend that I did something else. Right?

Another one is I am faithful. And I’m going to choose to be faithful, and I will not be unfaithful. And this is What it means somebody does mean dirty, somebody breaks their into the contract into the deal. I’m going to uphold my my side still, why not? Not just for them. But for myself, I’m going to uphold my side, I’m going to be a man of my word. And I’m going to do What I said I would do, whether it’s whether I just spoke it, whether it is written, whether it’s in a contract, or whatever it is. And that’s a non negotiable for me. And the reason why is I want to be that man, I want to be somebody who’s honest, I want to be somebody who is trustworthy. I want to be somebody who is faithful. I want to be somebody who is honorable, I don’t want to act dishonorably. I don’t want to dishonor myself, my friends, my wife, my family, I don’t want to dishonor anybody like that.

And so these are things in my life where I stand. And Here’s the Here’s the interesting thing about principles. Principles are really the framework in that we have inside of us for decision making. And if you if you only operate by laws and rules, and you don’t operate by principles, your framework for decision making is broken. Because not all decisions require laws and rules. Not all decisions are just black and white. Okay, there is not just a right answer, wrong answer. Oftentimes, decisions are multifaceted and have multiple different areas that need good stewardship in and then you have to work your way through each of those and the only way that you really do that is through principles and not rules because rules break, like don’t cross the double yellow line. Cool. How does that help me make decisions when you know, I’m not driving? It doesn’t. And so and even then it doesn’t help me make decisions about What I should be doing and What I shouldn’t be doing.

It’s just a rule versus the principles, man, I’m gonna be honest, oh my gosh, I forgot to pick up the milk from the store like my wife asked me to. Okay, What am I going to do argue about how I forgotten be a victim or like, hey, Kira, I just want to let you know. I did not pick up the milk from the store like I told you, I would. And I just want to let you know and I’ll run back out again, if you want me to, or whatever. And then we have a conversation but I started and begin with honesty. I don’t sit there and lie and trying to cover my butt because I was not a good steward of What was entrusted to me in the moment. And so it’s very important for you to have a will do never do list for the company and for yourself.

An example real quick before I close about the company is we’ll never propose again. We hate RFP’s we’re not going to do it. It’s a time of it’s a wasteful time of for resources and for other areas. And that’s just an example of never do for a company. Anyways guys, I’ll catch you later peace

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