Ep. 214 – Skipping Step One To Build The Biggest and Best


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the journey predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick, would you partner with me to help spread the word? Would you share this with somebody that you would know that would benefit from listen to this? Maybe it would encourage them to go out and get a better job or go for the dream and vision that they’ve actually thought about doing but haven’t had the courage to do it yet? Would you partner with me to help change people’s lives? I much appreciate it.

Well, guys, today, I want to talk about skipping step one. And the reason why I want to talk about this is because I have noticed a bad habit that I do, and have done a lot of and a lot of other people have as well and it is simply this skipping step one, probably nobody’s surprised, because I already said that. But that’s really What the bad habit is skipping step one. And let me explain What I mean by this. What happens in my life when I’ve done a lot, and then What I’ve noticed that other people do, is I’ll go and start something new, a new venture, or I’ll begin working on a new offering. Or I will begin working in partnership with somebody or even like, outside of business, like with my wife, like, hey, let’s begin working on this, let’s do this, let’s build this part, let’s build this part of our budget better, hey, let’s talk about how we want to actually move into this new area of life that we want to go to.

And What happens is, we skip step one, and we go from just starting, like, let’s just do something to oh my gosh, let’s build the biggest and best version out there that could ever possibly exist. And then What happens is, you get stuck in spinning on trying to figure out how the biggest best version can actually be built. And nobody really knows, because you’re in charge of What the biggest and best version is, and to decide that and you don’t know. And so you get stuck in analysis, paralysis, or in thinking land, or in trying to figure out all these other questions that don’t even matter. And you actually never started what you set out to do. That has happened so much in my life. And as a result, you actually don’t do a lot of things in your life, you actually just spend a lot of time talking about the things in your life.

And so Here’s Here’s a pro tip, and something that I’ve really, really have thought and worked hard on doing is simply do step one, I’ve set it like this, just start or just ship it this are my other words for these principles, just ship it just start. And the reason why is this, once you have momentum, it is very easy to drive to go where you’re where you need to get going. If you’ve ever driven a car without power steering, it is impossible to turn the wheels without forward momentum. And that’s actually how life works. There’s really no power steering for life. And so What happens is, we try and turn the wheels to go in the direction we want to go. But we’re not moving forward. And so it doesn’t really work.

And so I would encourage all Don’t skip step one. So for instance, when I got on, hey, let’s get on fat I got on that program the get on fat program is What I call it. All right, what’s my first step count calories? Awesome count calories. Alright, let’s count calories. How many calories do I need every day? That was it. I’m not trying to just be Superman and go run a marathon. I’m not trying to be David Goggins. I didn’t try to do any of that, why? I just need to start at step one. I have so many things going on in my life. The only thing that matters right now is step one, just to get forward momentum. And then from there, okay, I need to start working on exercising too. I just can’t count calories and eat better. Okay. Wow, What do I need to do? Well, let’s just just get on the treadmill. Just start walking. Oh, okay, cool. Just start walking. Step one, I started at step one, and then before you know it, wow, I’ve got all these workout routines. I’m actually doing strength training, I’m doing all these other things that have come from it. It’s the same thing in business. I know that I want to start a business and this awesome, what’s step one? Okay, do that. And then whatever step you need to do next, guess What? That’s step one, you do that. And then life is made up of just continuing to repeat step one, step one. In other words, your immediate step, your immediate step. That’s it.

And Here’s the thing, it seems like it’s slow. It seems like it is like world ending to get where you want to get. And that’s universal to everybody and most people that I’ve talked to, and the only companies and entities that are actually able to try and start building the biggest and best Well, they do one of two things either have the resources and leverage to accomplish this in house. Or they have the resources and leverage to buy What somebody else has already built. Like Google buys their innovations. So does Microsoft and Amazon does a lot of the same thing. They don’t skip step one they just buy people who have just executed step one and move down the road. Think about that. So real quick too slow is smooth, smooth is fast. That’s doing step one, and don’t despise small beginnings.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time, so I’ll catch you later peace

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