Ep. 219 – Vision Three Perspectives


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business, I hope life is treating you well, guys, I’m doing better than I deserve. Well, I’m gonna go ahead and get straight into this, I want to talk about vision.

And first, I’m just gonna give a definition of What a vision is. So a vision is simply this, it is an image or a blueprint of something that you are trying to build. That’s it. Vision applies to everything, it applies to companies, it applies to businesses, if you look up any great company that has been built, it started with the founders with a vision from Bezos right, with Elon with different things to IBM, the founders started with a vision, a visual image of What they wanted the company to look like What they were building. And it was a blueprint, and they broke it down from there and built it accordingly.

Now, Here’s the thing about vision, in my opinion, everything that you do in life must have a vision to it. Otherwise, you’re just doing whatever. And if you do, whatever, you’re going to get whatever. And you can’t be shocked and surprised when you get whatever the areas in your life where you’ve had a vision, right? Where you’ve actually said, This is What I want to do as a job. This is What I want to do as a career, you look at how your life has shaped and built towards that appropriately. And then you think about the areas in your life where you don’t have a vision, and then it’s just a mess. And that applies to my life. There are areas where I’m like, wow, I’ve not had a vision for this, I have not put this area of my life under my greater good. And my vision. And of course, these are the results I’m going to get. And so it is so important to really see that vision is really everything. If I don’t know What mountain I’m going to climb, then how do I even know that I’m climbing the mountain I’m supposed to.

And Here’s the cool thing about vision, you get to decide What it is you get to decide What it’s going to be. And now I don’t want to talk about vision right now like and get into more technical detail about how to build one, What I want to talk about is, if you already have one, there are three areas or three perspectives where you can view vision. So if you’re working in a company, if you’re building a company, right, or if you’re even in corporate somewhere, or you’re in business, and this is for everybody, you are always operating out of these three perspectives when it comes to vision. And it’s large, medium and small. Right, just like if you’re going to go to McDonald’s to get fries large, medium, small, okay. And that is how vision works. I have a big picture, I see the macro, I see the mountain I want to climb. And then you have the medium size, right, which is the past walking up. And then you have the small all the little stones and steps that you’re taking. And it’s so important because if you don’t know, currently, where you need to be and where you need to lead from and What part of the vision and What size of the vision you need to lead from, you’re not going to lead appropriately as a leader, you’re not going to lead your life appropriately. Right.

And Here’s another thing, everybody’s a leader, it doesn’t matter if you’re in a leadership position or not. Everybody influences somebody. And just because you don’t have a title doesn’t mean you’re not a leader. And so when it comes to building your life, when it comes to building your house, when it comes to work or anything like that, you’re always in one of these three positions, small, medium, and large. And it it very much works like this, okay, we’re going to build the world’s best car, right? We’re going to build the world’s best car. That’s our large big picture vision. And then we break the vision down into medium sized pieces. Well, are we going to build the door? First? Are we going to build the steering wheel? Or we’re going to build the seats first, and then we break it down into small pieces? What are the nuts and bolts we need? Where is the fabric that we’re getting for the seat? Right? What about the seat belt? And What about all the different little aspects along the way.

In every position, according to the vision where you’re standing and leading from operating from is going to directly affect your decisions. And this is often where a lot of leadership breaks down. We’re leading from a big picture vision, right when we really should be leading from a small one. Or we’re leading from a small one when we should be leading from a medium one, and really operating out of there. And so it’s so important just like finding your work. There’s three types of work managerial, technical, and entrepreneurial. If you don’t know What vision you’re operating off, What part of the blueprint you’re on, you’re not going to be able to really be efficient and functional when building a company or when meeting people or leading teams. It’s just not going to happen. So you got to know where you’re looking from. You got to know your vantage and your viewpoint and you got to know What am I actually building right now a small piece, a medium piece or a large piece and each one has a different piece of the vision and all of life breaks down this way you can apply this concept to anything and everything that you’re doing now. Just vision and not just work.

And so really, that’s it guys. I’m out of time and so I’ll catch y’all later peace

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