Ep. 235 – Step 1, Who Are You


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business

Guys, today, I want to talk about one of the most important aspects in life to know about. And that’s you. Who are you, one of the biggest parts of my personal journey and my personal life is understanding who I am. It’s interesting, because I said some of the things I’ve said this in the past that oftentimes the most overlooked things in life, are the things that are most important to us. And we often overlook who we are as people and individuals, we often overlook it I’ve overlooked who Michael Abernathy is, I’ve overlooked you know, all the different areas in my life and not really stopped to analyze who I am as a person to reflect, strengths and weaknesses, those sorts of things, my giftings my passion, What am I passionate about? What do I really love.

And it’s interesting, because oftentimes, it gets overlooked because as we mature, from children to adults, there’s all these other myriad of things that are occurring in our lives and stuff gets muddled. And I’ve said this before, too, that part of our goal is to provide structure and support to stop chaos and produce a positive forward momentum. And by positive, I don’t just mean like, oh, having positive thoughts, I mean, like actual movement forward towards a goal, right. And so anyways, that being said, knowing who you are, is one of the most powerful and important things you can do as a person as an individual. And so like, if you really want to know who you are, I encourage you to make a list.

Alright, What am I gifted at? And then do the opposite side? What am I not gifted at? Right gifts, things that come easy and naturally, things that we’re not gifted at things that we actually really have to work hard at for? Alright, What am I passionate about? What do I actually care about as an individual? What do I not care about? Right? Both sides of the list. How do I see things? Do I see things from a very small perspective? Small vision, like technical like nuts and bolts, right? Or am I more of a managerial person? Like guiding medium sized pieces? Or do I see things from a rhythm perspective? Like how the whole world works together? And how large and medium pieces work together? What type of work my best at? am I best at technical? Am I best at managerial work managing or my best at being an entrepreneur and like creating and moving large pieces, right?

And then the other thing is like, What do you actually want to build with your life? What do you want to do? Yes, you have a job, and you have to pay bills, they are necessities. But life is more than just waking up, going to work, coming home, eating dinner, watching Netflix, like going to bed, and then waking up and doing it all over again. Life is more to it than that, like, What is your purpose? What are you trying to build? Because when you’re older, and I’ve, I’ve talked to a lot of older people, one of their biggest regrets is I did not see that there was more to life than just working. I didn’t realize that providing for my family meant more than just going and working a job and making money which a lot of people have thought that. And so for us What is purpose? What is the purpose?

And Here’s the other thing, you’ve also got to think about your life like my generation as millennials, it’s like we don’t own as much why the purpose in our life is different. We want to travel, we want experiences, we want these things. But What about retirement? What about when I’m older? What do I really want? Yes, I want to travel while I’m young. But What do I What I really want to do when I’m older, What really matters to me? And Here’s a great question. You’re at the end of your life, right? You’re in the hospital, you’re about to go, you know, you’re passing in like the next 30 minutes. What are the only two things that matter in your life at that point? That’s a great reflection question, to really see What matters to you.

And Here’s the thing is whether you want to or not everyone is building and creating, it’s universal, it’s What we’ve always done. We are always building and creating, even all the way going back to when we are just tribal peoples we are always building and creating and not building creating, like as an infrastructure and concrete skyscrapers and stuff like that. But no, we were always a part of building creating and shaping our lives and helping influence and shape the people around us. It’s all over history that this is something that we as people do.

And so no matter where you’re at, and What you’re doing the purpose, finding your purpose in life and building towards that. Man, that is one of the best things for knowing who you are and What you’re actually doing. But then the other thing is, is just who are you in general, and it’s so important to know yourself. It’s interesting how when we like somebody we want to know all about them. But the most important person in our life is me. And oftentimes, I don’t know very much about me. And that’s all I’m talking about.

Well guys, five minutes is up. So I’ll catch y’all later. Peace.

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