Ep. 236 – The Simple Answer Is Often The Best Answer


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to five minute rants guys, welcome back to THE a.m. Hope you’re doing good hope life is treating you well, I’m doing better than I deserve personally. And thanks for tuning in. Well anyways guys, let’s get right on into it. One of the things I want to talk about is that normally, the simplest answer is actually the best answer.

And so What I mean by that is this I had a job. And it was, it was an awesome job. And I was tasked with how to find the ability to make our production more efficient. And it was an assembly job and not like in a factory or anything like that. But where we worked building skids or big pump houses for oil and gas factories, or refineries. And we had all of our jobs in production on one side of this massive, pretty much warehouse, if you would say like, think about like a Costco or two cost goes. And then we had all of our parts on the other end. So I was tasked with just making the jobs more efficient, how can we actually build them faster? How can we build them more efficiently? How can we increase our productivity? And What I did was I started just really thinking about it and being like, What is the honest solution to this? And it’s like, oh, my gosh, the honest solution to this is to simply start tracking how much we walk, because everybody from every department, electrical, and mechanical, and then also welders are all walking every day. Well, there’s a whole crew of us.

So I took four guys. And I was like, Cool. Let’s track our steps. And we literally just tracked our steps. And I found out that between the four of us, we were spending $250,000 or something like that a year in just walking. Now you think about that, for what’s been paid out. And, again, this took everybody’s hourly rate with What they’re being paid out for that. And the simple solution to decrease production cost efficiency was just move the parts from one side of the warehouse to the other right next to the job, and allocate all parts next to the job. Now I’m saying this because oftentimes a business, we want to overcomplicate things, we tend to overcomplicate things, and we make things seem so much harder than they really are. Part of it is because there are no right answers. And we’re all looking for the right answer. And whenever you’re looking for the right answer, it normally screws you over almost 100% of the time, because it’s really What do you want it to be.

And then secondly, most of the best solutions come up with when problem solving are really the simple ones, the simpler the solution normally tends to be the right one. But Here’s the thing about it. Oftentimes, our arrogance and ego gets in the way. And we don’t want to do it because it doesn’t look fancy. It doesn’t look fancy. I got actually, well, I won’t say that. But it just doesn’t look fancy. And I think that oftentimes, when our arrogance in the way, we actually tend to cause more problems. And we never actually really solve the challenges in front of us in business. Arrogance is one of the number one enemies you have, as a leader, as a builder, or as an operator or anything like that arrogance is one of the number one biggest enemies you have in life, the inability to be wrong, or the inability to have simple solutions. Because I’ve worked with a lot of people to where it needs to be complicated because it makes them look better. Or we need to keep up with the Joneses. We need to buy this software, this tool set, we need this, we need that we need all these things. Because it isn’t right to be this simple. And it’s like What if it is as simple as just sending out an email every day.

What if the solution to a better client relationship is just sending an email every day, and then also know your client relationships get better? We don’t tend to think like that. We don’t want to think like that. We don’t want to look at the simple solutions, because oftentimes our arrogance and ego get in the way. And the point of this episode is really two things First, normally, the simple solutions are the best ones, right? And then the second one is nobody likes superheroes. In business. Nobody likes superheroes, we want teammates and team members, not superheroes. And I think that’s so important. For just any leader in general, and anybody trying to build anything, like if you’re just starting out on your own, you’re gonna have to do a lot of stuff. And there’s going to be a lot of complicated decisions to make, but part of your goal is to get to the root of every problem. And so with that being said, it’s like, man, don’t let your arrogance get in the way don’t let your ego get in the way. They’re gonna be people smarter and better at every job you’re currently doing. And at the same time, you know, really finding the simplest solution seems to be the best way.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time. catch y’all later peace

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