Ep. 247 – Breaking Down “I Did My Best”


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick, before we get started, would you partner with me in changing lives? If you know somebody who would benefit from listening to the show, would you share with them? I appreciate it, guys, thanks for helping spread the word.

Well, guys, today, I want to talk about, I did my best. And I actually want to break this down, I really wanted to find What it means to do our best, and What it means to really perform at our best. And oftentimes, growing up, I said this, well, I did my best. And I’ve even had a lot of talks with a good close friend of mine. He’s like, Man, I’m trying to do my best. And we’re just talking about things in his life. And I really want to take a moment to break this down in What it actually means to do my best. And I will give you some context first.

First, is this life is not defined by single moments of performance. Rather, it’s defined by the accumulation of small disciplines over time. And you’ll understand What that means a little later in the episode, because I get to explain it. So this is What I mean by doing your best. And first, if you ever say did my best, and you want to reflect and look, you’ve really got to have the mindset to grow, right? And then from having that mindset to grow, you actually got to start asking yourself these questions when you reflect about doing your best When did my best start? When did this actually start? Was it the day of the test? Was it the day of the race was it the day of the football game When did my best start, and then What led up to the final result or the final work, and I’m going to give you an example of this. We’re going to talk about running a marathon. And we’re going to talk about an analogy of running a marathon and how this really applies.

So it’s the day of the marathon, I strap my shoes on, I show up to the starting line, and I start running right? mile in, I’m actually kind of okay, I hit the two mile mark, and I’m out of breath. And I’m already walking. And now I finished the marathon. It took me forever. It took me like eight hours, right? Maybe 10 hours, like an exorbitant amount of time. I don’t even know if that’s fast. So any runners out there, you can leave comments correct me, but let’s just say it takes an absorbent amount of time. At the end of the race. I spit. I’m even vomiting from physical exhaustion. And I have pushed as hard as I possibly could. And it’s like I did my best. I fought hard. But see, I’m only applying that statement to that moment. What about the whole year that led up to running that marathon? Did I do my best and get up every day And go do my small runs like my one mile run? and work my way up to three miles and then maybe do a 10 mile later? Or a five mile later? Did I do my best and make sure that I did circuit training? Did I do my best and eat healthy? Did I do my best And practice the small disciplines every day? When did running the marathon? Actually really start did it start the day I showed up at the starting line and lined up with all the other racers? I don’t think so I think it started a year before two years before.

And so this is What really doing my best means like when I say I did my best, this is really What it should mean. And hopefully this will give a perspective shift. Doing my best means this means showing up every day, and taking advantage of the opportunities given to me to grow and improve. And then second, it really means doing the small disciplines so that when the Superbowl comes, I’m fully prepared in the best possible version of myself in that moment. Because I’ve already done all the work upfront. I’ve done all all the pre work upfront to play at my peak example. I watched the interview and I don’t know who it was, but it was the guy who got drafted for the NFL and I don’t watch sports. But I watch a brief interview and somebody is like, Man, you’re really cocky. And he’s like, No, I’m really confident because I’ve worked hard. And I know the work I’ve put in I’m not trying to compare myself to everybody else. But this is the work that I’ve done and I’m confident because I’ve shown up every day to perform at my best every day.

And so life is really not a singular moment. Right? Doing my best is just not a singular moment. It’s not just showing up to that starting line, right? It’s very much like showing up every day to try and perform at 100% output every day in the small things. Again, I’m going to repeat that phrase I said at the beginning life is not defined by single moments. Right? Rather it’s by the accumulation of singular moments over time. And that’s really What doing your best is and What do When your best means and so if you fail a test or if you fail a project if you don’t keep promises to clients or if you fail to do something when you say you did your best or really look over the long term and really self judge that way or not self judge, but self examine that way.

Well guys, I’m way over so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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