Ep. 252 – You Are Not Your Title


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick before we get started, if you know somebody’s whose life would change for the better, by listening to the show, would you partner with me in changing their life and share it with them? I really appreciate you guys helping me spread the word.

Well, today, guys, I want to talk about how you are not your title. And so to go into it from the personal side, just go back a little bit tell a story. When Andrew and I started our company, when we first started our business, you know, we opened up our LLC and everything, and we incorporated all the stuff, you know, that you do to open up a company. And one of the first things that we thought it’s like, yes, we’re businessmen. And it was so interesting, because we had a title. And we had a document that said, Hey, you own this company. And at the time, we really didn’t know it. But What happened is we took to heart that we were businessmen, because we owned a business.

Now, Here’s a crazy thought, in order to be a businessman, do you actually really have to own a company? Do you really have to own a business? And the answer that is no. And What it really means is this, we took our identity from the title we had, or from the LLC. And the whole point of this episode is this, you are not your title, you get to decide who you want to be. And you get to decide What type of person you want to be, and how you want your life to be built and shaped. And it doesn’t matter whether you have a title, it doesn’t matter whether you open up a company, it doesn’t matter whether you’re in a position of authority are not you are you regardless of whatever title you have of whatever you possess, or whatever you own. And Andrew and I didn’t learn that till later, we learned that we don’t need a company in order to be a man of business.

What we needed were the principles, the discipline, What we needed were the decisions, and the heart changes necessary to move forward in business and to become the men that we wanted to be. And I’m saying this because I think oftentimes, there’s such a misnomer of I am my title. And it’s really not true. We are not titles. My title is not me, it’s not a part of my identity, I can be What I want to be regardless of whatever my title is. And I think this is something that’s a society that we do naturally, we automatically assign our identity to our work. And the way that I’m talking about this is simply the question like, Hey, I’m so and so What do you do? And then everybody asks, What do you do, and everybody assigns identity to work versus identity to choice, I get to choose to be, you know, the person that I want to be I get to choose, I want to be a salesman, I want to go be a nurse or doctor, I want to be a lawyer, I get to choose that path in life. And then I get to begin acting like that individual. I want to be a good husband, I get to act like that individual and move down that path.

And Andrew and I in our journey when we started, it was great, because we quickly learned that we were not the LLC and that we were not What we said we were because we had an LLC now, we quickly learned that we had no idea What we’re doing. And we had no idea why we are doing What we are doing. And we had no idea how to do What we actually wanted to do. And that’s actually really where the real journey began. And I think that most people’s journeys haven’t started or you’re not moving in the direction you want to move in because you haven’t decided who you want to be. You haven’t decided who you want to be and you haven’t recognized that you are not your stuff.

You’re not your stuff. You are not your achievements. You are not your titles or positions, you’re not those things you are you and you get to decide What type of person that you want to be. You get to decide how you want to act, how you want to think how you want to talk, you get to decide your friendships and your relationships. You get to decide all of these different aspects in life. And that’s actually when the real journey begins in life is when you decide who you want to be and then begin walking towards that person.

Well, that’s really it guys. I’ve got a few seconds left. And so I’ll just catch you later. Peace

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