Ep. 255 – You Are Not The Solution


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. I hope you’re doing well. And hope life is treating you guys well, I’m better than I deserve. Real quick, guys, if you know somebody whose life would be changed by listen to the show, would you partner with me and help impact their life for the better and share it with them? If not, would you just rate and leave a review for the show? I appreciate it.

Well, today I want to talk about you are not the solution. And so there’s really three different types of work you do. And excuse me, let me back up, there’s actually three, three different outcomes from the work you do you have additional outcome, right addition, 1234, you just added one together, you have multiplication and exponential. I’ll explain that later. But the point of What I’m saying now is you are not the solution. And when we become the solution, all we do is become addition outputs. So just one, one, because I can only do one thing at a time, I can only accomplish one thing at a time. So I’m just adding one plus one plus one plus one over and over and over again. And when we lead or when we’re in a group, or when we’re building a project as a team, or when we’re in charge of our household, oftentimes our natural place to go to is I’m the solution. I’m a hard worker, I can do this, I can do that I can do all these things. And it’s great, it’s awesome that you can do those things. But it’s more important to understand, should you be doing those things?

For instance, if you are always the solution to every problem that everybody has around you that your team has, then all you’re ever going to do is work yourself to death. See, in my opinion, a leader should build solutions not become the solution. And Here’s the thing, everybody’s a leader, no matter What leadership is not based on title, it doesn’t matter where you are in the company, it doesn’t matter your position, everybody’s a leader in so build a solution. And that’s very different. So the solution no longer is you the solution is something else that you’ve built. Most of the time. The reason why we don’t build solutions is because we’re afraid of being expendable. But the truth is, we are all expendable, in some way shape, form or fashion, will we grow, change and improve and then become a valuable asset in life later.

Again, another conversation for another time, I want to continue focusing on the fact that you are not the solution. And if you can get out of this mindset that you are the solution to everybody’s problem, you’re the solution to solving your friends problems, you are the solution to helping them out of the relationship that they’re in, you are the solution to the marriage, you’re the solution to all your kids problems, you’re the solution to this coding problem, you’re the solution to all these things, you will watch your life radically change because you will find so much free time, at the end of this. At the end of this you’ll find so much free time in your life, you won’t know What to do. And especially instead of you being the solution, you build a solution for things that you can actually control. You build a solution predicated on the things in your life that you are actually in charge of and responsible for, you will want your time multiplied back to you.

Right, because again, as an individual, you can only do one plus one plus one plus one, individuals are only one plus one with teams or with other outside solutions, prebuilt solutions, there’s multiplication involved in that whole process. And I think this is a huge, huge piece to time management. If you are constantly saying I don’t have time, I don’t have time for this. I don’t have time for that. And you’re genuinely not using this out of victimhood, because a lot of people say, Well, I don’t have time. And it’s like, that’s not true. It’s an excuse, but you’re genuinely looking at yourself right now and be like, Man, how do I actually accomplish the goals I have? I don’t know how to accomplish this. I’m working extremely hard towards this. I’m putting time and effort towards this constantly. Why is nothing moving forward the way I am. And the reason for that is you are the solution versus building a solution.

This is why a lot of business owners do not expand they remain sole employers or just solely employed like they’re not they’re not building a team. They’re not creating a company. This is where a lot of business owners fail because now we’re moving out of this whole side of getting the work done to actually building something that does the work. And those are two radically different things. But in general, just on the day to day, if you get out of the fact that you’re the solution to every problem, you’ll watch a lot of your life come back to you. But now the other side is will you squander the time that you just got back over Will you do something purposeful with it and valuable with it?

I’m out of time guys. I’ll catch you later peace

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