Ep. 256 – Delegation & Trust


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome to THE a.m guys. Welcome to Five Minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick. If you know somebody whose life would be changed for the better by listening to the show, would you partner with me in changing their lives and share this with them? If not, if you all could just rate or leave a review for the show. I appreciate the partnership.

Well, guys, real quick, I want to talk about delegation and trust. First, trust is one of the most important aspects in life. Life just does not work without trust, trusting people, trusting team members trusting other individuals in your life, life just does not work without it. And it is so important to have. So knowing who you can trust and knowing who you can’t is very important. The next thing is in life delegation is one of the most important skill sets there is. Here’s why. Because if you are going to actually achieve something in life, whether it’s with your children, whether it’s with a team at work, whether it’s you’re building something a company, you must be able to delegate. And the hard part about delegation is guess What you have to let go. And you have to actually empower your team for their personal growth and for the growth of the company. But guess what’s required to have? trust.

Now I want to talk about a few things, I want to talk about a few false beliefs that people have that I’ve had different things that keep you from delegating, but they don’t keep you from delegating, you can always choose to delegate despite What you believe. But the point that I’m making is this, these are normally behind. And normally part of the reason why we don’t delegate, the first one is I’m the only one who could do this. If that’s true, you are so broken, you need to actually create a process and franchise What you do to empower others, right? Because that means that you’re the solution. And if you’re the solution, everything breaks, that’s when you have hit by bus syndrome, if you’re the only one who could do this.

Another false belief is I’m better at it. Okay, that may be true. But that’s not a good reason not to pass the work on to somebody. Right? I’ve talked about how the heart position should make others greater than yourself. Right? I used to be in charge of a lot of the coding development when Andrew and I first started, well guess who’s way better at than I am, Andrew. And then guess What he has team members and teammates that he leads that are exponentially better than him. And we did not grow as a company until all those things started changing. Right? Leadership is really stepping stones, it’s more of the bottom and top. The other one is I can just get this done right now, right here. Yes. But is that for the best of everybody? Is that really how you should be spending your time.

So those are false beliefs, the correct beliefs are in direct contrast to that, I need to build a solution. So if you only wanted to do this, you need to build a solution. Like when I said, you need to actually have a heart to build a process to be an actual leader, and to put your emphasis on process or people or purpose and better equip your people and lead them to get better outcomes. The other correct belief is I need to equip my team better, right? And What does that mean, you need to train them, you need to invest in them as people, not just equip them in how to do sales better, or how to code better, or Here’s all these programs, you need to invest in them as people.

If your team members are not personally improving their personal lives, and they don’t care about that they’re not going to actually help you improve and grow in business. And then they don’t have ownership, right? And Here’s the other thing, you can’t expect them to work as hard as you they don’t own the thing you’re building, you do. Right? If you want them to care as much as you do, give them some stock actually give them some ownership. Okay, cool. So not invested. I mean, you need to equip your team better. And so Here’s a few things that going back to the trust before we end, because we’ve only got a little bit time left.

If you don’t trust your team. Here’s a few things that have happened. If you don’t trust your team one, you’ve hired the wrong people. Right? If you don’t trust your team, well, you hired the people you don’t trust. That’s all your fault. It’s not their fault. It’s your fault. And it’s like, Oh, you don’t do a good enough job because I can’t trust you because you don’t do a good enough job. Okay, that’s your fault. You either didn’t invest in them, or didn’t teach them or you just hired them wrongly. The next thing is if you don’t trust your team, you have not invested in them and built them up and train them to do you have no personal investment or involvement in their lives. All right. The other thing is, is this If you don’t trust your team, they keep letting you down. Well, you might just really be arrogant and think that everyone should just know What to do because you just know What to do. And life doesn’t work that way. You didn’t just know What to do either. You had to be taught and learn. And now it’s your job to franchise that and spread That.

So anyways, I hope this helped guys and I’ll catch you on the flip side peace

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