Ep. 259 – Purpose of a Leader


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up what’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys welcome back to five minute rants I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys, real quick will you all partner with me to spread the word and change some lives. If you know somebody who would benefit and their life would be better listening to the show. Would you share it with them? If not, Would you guys mind just rating and leaving a review and help spreading the word? I appreciate it.

Well, today, I want to really talk about the purpose of being a leader. I had a good conversation with one of my best friends, and we’re just talking about leadership in general. And it really came out that the true purpose of being a leader no matter how high up you are, whether you’re just a manager somewhere, you know, who’s just leaving a small team to somebody up top, like all the way a CEO or whatever, of a huge company, the true purpose of leadership is simply this, to help. That’s it, to help and to serve, is literally that simple. My job as a leader, no matter where I go, or how high up I am, is simply to help others, and I’m helping them become the best version of themselves. And then I’m helping them achieve and create better outcomes for their life for the company, for the team, and so on, so forth.

And I really believe that true leadership really boils down to this. And you will notice that some of the best leaders in the world really are predicated on helping others now help doesn’t mean that everything is gumdrops, rainbows and butterflies all the time. Right? Sometimes people need help, but they they need correction. There’s hardship involved, you got to let them struggle through different things to mature in all this other stuff. There’s a lot of facets and different tactics as you’re walking through in leading people to really be able to understand What do they need, What do they need to succeed as individuals. But the heart behind everything is to serve and to help to have the humility to realize that my job there is to help.

And a good example of this very good analogy of this is the coach versus the actual soccer team, right or the football team, the coach is there to help the players become the best possible player they can be, which in turns better their careers, better their chances of success long term in life, but also betters the success of winning as a team and having victory. And so the coach is there to bring the best out in the players to bring the best out in the teamwork, to bring the best out in the hearts and in the purpose, the vision. And the coach’s job is simply to help them. And I think that oftentimes we overlook this as leaders like for raising children, our our whole goal is to help them help them do What become prepared for life. Life is hard. There are a lot of hard things in life. And so my goal is to raise children, and to help them and equip them to succeed in life.

And help doesn’t mean micromanagement help doesn’t mean doing it for them. A lot of people have a wrong definition of What help is. And those aren’t true definitions of help. If you’re micromanaging, if you’re doing things for people and all this stuff, that’s called enabling. And help really is where you’re serving people. And you’re operating out of a heart of servitude. And so a lot of the leadership comes back to this heart and a few things that will happen if you really have this heart to lead people and actually help them and serve them, you’re going to allow them to have buy in, I think money is like number somewhere between number like six to nine on the top 10 things that people want a job, money somewhere down in six to nine. And the top three is having a voice like that they matter. Their ideas matter. Well, that’s buy in, I want to voice I want to be heard, I want to be a part of something bigger, right? And so you have buy in, you have ownership and you let the individual you’re helping lead individuals and the team to own What they’re doing. So they actually have purpose with their life. Right?

They signed on to the company not just to pay bills. I mean, think about anytime you’ve worked a job just to pay bills, anytime you’ve worked a job to pay bills, it’s really honestly sucked. And so it’s the same thing when you’re leading people, their purpose isn’t just to pay bills. You know, they want something greater than that. The other thing too is as you’re leading people, part of helping them is being is creating endured interdependency, or agency within each team member, right? It’s helping develop skill sets. It’s helping develop teamwork. It’s helping them become the people that they need to be the best versions of themselves. And if you’re gonna get the best version of people, it doesn’t matter What their skill set is. They’re going to learn and grow and accomplish whatever needs to be done. But my My job is to facilitate just to be a door and to help people move forward and get where they want to go in life.

And so anyways, I’m out of time guys, so I’ll catch y’all later. Peace.

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