Ep. 266 – Obligation


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. I appreciate you guys joining. Thanks for tuning in and listening. And welcome back everyone. Real quick, before we get started, guys, if you know somebody whose life would be bettered or changed for the better, just by listening to the show, would you partner with me in changing lives and share it with them? I really appreciate it.

Well, guys, today, I want to talk about obligation. And in my personal experience, obligation can be very destructive, if not operated incorrectly. And so What I’m going to talk about is the incorrect way to be obligated, especially for work in production. So a lot of my life, I have been able to just do things. So I have a very strong belief set of I can I can do whatever I want, I can become whatever I need to become to adapt wherever I need to adapt. And I deeply believe that. And as a result, I actually have done a lot of work, I never should have, I became a solution to a lot of problems that I never should have become a solution to. And I’ll do a later episode on this. But one, you should as a person never be a solution as a person, you should build solutions. Okay.

But because I could do the work, or I can I accepted a lot of work. And I shouldn’t have now there were, there were bonuses to it, there are pluses to it, right? But I there, it’s also very poor reason to accept work. And I did it out of obligation. Because cool I can in that I’m obligated to do this. And as a result, it really skewed my focus and a lot of the business journey with Andrew, it really skewed our focus and how to actually grow a team and it stunted us because instead of actually releasing work and expanding and allow production work to flow through us and allow cash flow to flow through us, I became the solution, Andrew became the solution to a lot of our problems. And it kept us we stayed small, and we stay constricted.

And there’s nothing wrong, if you want to be small, right? There’s nothing wrong if that’s What you’re designed to build. But that was not mine and Andrews vision, okay. And so as a result, it kept us in the obligation actually hurt us. Now there comes a time in life when you have to do What is required, and where you need to fulfill the promises that you’ve kept. Right you need, I mean, excuse me, you need to fulfill the promises that you have made. And those need to be kept. And there comes a time for those things. For instance, I don’t cheat on my wife, that’s a promise I should keep that’s an obligation I should fulfill. I told her when I got married to I’m not going to do this, right. However, that’s a positive, that’s a positive fulfillment from it.

But when it comes to work, two reasons to not accept work two very poor reasons to accept work would be I should and I can, just because you should do something doesn’t mean you actually need to do and fulfill that role. It might not be right for you, or to fulfill that job. Oftentimes, when you have to take a job to fulfill obligations and bills and all these things. And I should take this, it often normally turns out to be miserable, because it’s not from an I get to standpoint. And Here’s the other thing, saying yes, everything in business can kill it. And that’s a real phrase. I believe Mark Cuban said that saying yes to everything. And every yes, and yes to every opportunity that comes your way will kill business. It’s also the same thing for your personal life, saying yes to everything will actually end up harming you and hurting you along the way in the journey.

And if you look at anybody who’s amazing at What they do, they’ve removed most distractions from their life and have become hyper focused on the goal and the thing they want to accomplish. And then they only do work that actually moves them forward towards their end goal. And I think that I shouldn’t, I can really violate that they violate focus, because you end up doing a lot of things just because you can do them or just because you should do them, hey, that’s a fire that needs to be put up, I should just take care of this. Versus that’s fake, because instead of I should just put out this fire. What I need to do now is build and craft a solution to prevent the fire from happening.

And Andrew and I talk a lot about how our goal in the company, especially as leaders is to be and to create people who prevent fires. So a whole fire prevention team were their job is to look at things and keep fires from happening simply by doing upfront work to prevent them in the long term. This is something we really implement internally with the team. And I think that it’s so important that we do this on a regular basis. But if you’re just operating out of work from an obligation place of I should just put this out I should deal with this. Now I can deal with this. I can be the solution. You’re not going to build and move forward into the places that you really need to go in order to achieve your long term vision and greater good.

Well, that being said, Guys, I’m over so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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