Ep. 299 – Stop, Drop and Think


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick, if you know somebody, either in business, maybe trying to start their own business or just want to better their life in general, would you partner with me in changing lives and share the show with them? That or rate, leave a review. I appreciate it. I appreciate the partnership.

So I actually want to talk about making a conscious choice. Okay, and this is What I mean by that. When you have to decide something in life, there are two ways to do it. You can think and process and actually go through logical steps to the best of your ability before deciding things. Or you can defer to someone else or something else to make the decision for you, such as a justification or reason. Like, well, I need to download this app, because, you know, all my social friends are going to move to this app and I have to or, versus making a conscious decision, which is, okay, how is this going to affect my life is this something that I actually want to be a part of, is the friend group that I involved with online, in in the social group, are they actually adding to my life are the people that I want to spend the rest of my life with, I want to grow old with you, you at least think about it. And oftentimes, we make short term decisions, because we are not making conscious decisions. And we’re deferring our responsibility or authority out to someone or something else.

And this is really important, because if you start looking at life a little bit in this direction, you’ll start finding how much and how often you defer decisions out. Now there are certain decisions like cool, I need to defer them out. But I still am required to think upfront, for instance, like if I have a pipe burst in my house, and my basement is being flooded, I don’t have the plumbing skills to actually solve that problem. So I’ve got to hire a plumber. But What I can think about because I don’t know What pipe should use, I don’t know about water pressure regulators in the house, I don’t know about copper, or PVC or whatever else, I don’t have enough knowledge, and even skill sets to solve the problem. So those aren’t the decisions and the things I need to think about making. But What I do know, and What I can is within my control to consciously make a decision about is, What is a good plumber going to be like? What type of person do I want to hire? How am I going to vet these contractors? How am I going to do What I need to do? How am I going to actually vet the person to make sure they’re trustworthy? To make sure they’re honorable, that their price is fair, they’re not gouging me or they’re not so cheap and shoddy that whatever I’m going to pay them is going to be done in six months to a year anyways, how do I actually vet that? How do I go through in the choosing process of who I’m going to partner with?

So now my conscious decision lies in choosing partnership with people maybe not solving the exact problem that needs to be solved. This is so important, especially if you are somewhere in leadership in the business. Or if you’re trying to build your own business, Andrew and I call it cutting a check to people. Oh, yeah, I don’t want to think about that. So I’ll just cut a check to you. You’re the expert. No, there’s more. What do I need that expert to do? What are the three to four things that I need to be accomplished in my life in this area? And to begin to process in walk through that? Oftentimes, the unconscious decision is What actually reaps the most unintended consequences in our lives. Because we didn’t think about it, we didn’t think about What we don’t want to happen. And then we didn’t think about What we do actually want to happen. And then we didn’t just build a simple roadmap to get there a couple steps to get there. How do I actually get here,

It doesn’t have to be world endingly big or absolutely massive to think through every decision. But the point is, is you start at least at the starting place, which is let me take some effort to begin thinking about the decisions I need to make. Let me take an actually use energy to begin focusing on the decisions I need to make in learning how to make better decisions. decision making skills and processing are probably two of the most important skill sets in your entire life. Everything we do revolves around these, how am I going to make decisions? And that includes how you’re going to follow through with them and all the actions required to solidify that decision. And then also, how are you going to think and process all the information from the outside world that is coming into you? And all I’m saying is this unconscious decisions normally result in unintended consequences that are become very destructive whereas conscious decisions normally result in intended consequences which are normally very positive in our lives.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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