Ep. 301 – Team Buy In


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick, if you know somebody who wants to better their life, would you partner with me in changing lives and share this show with them, whether they want to start their business, get a better career, become a better person in general, or they’re big into self improvement. I appreciate it.

Well, guys, last episode, I talked about really defining profitability. And one of the points I brought up, just briefly, was really allowing your team to have a voice in defining profitability. And that leads me to this, there needs to be team buy in, right? I think it’s so important as a leader, that my team has a voice in everything that really gets done. Yes, there is a final decision maker, we don’t do things by committee. But Here’s the thing, I want to give ownership of What we’re doing to the people who said, Hey, I trust you, and I’m trusting my livelihood with you and partner with you. And there is such a deep responsibility to honor that trust. And then if they’re trusting me with that, and then I’m trusting them with vision in the vision in my life, to accomplish things and build, why would I not trust them to be able to have a conversation with me? Or really more importantly, with Andrew, because he is more tied to in house production than I am? Why would we not partner with those people to let them have a voice.

And so if you’re in leadership, you really need to think about this. The most healthiest teams that operate out there have buy in, all the individuals have voices within the planning and the building. And most teams like when it comes to useless meetings, or when it comes to meetings, that do not produce anything, it’s normally somebody that has no team buy in, right, because if there’s team buy in there be able to be feedback saying, Hey, I don’t think this is a worthwhile meeting, I don’t think we’re actually talking about worthwhile work, I would like to get back to production to produce What I need to for the day, and to produce the requirements and to meet them for the day. And this is so important, like letting your team be able to speak. It’s very interesting, because one of the number one reasons why people want to work with a company is not not because of money, this actually beats up money, but having a voice being heard.

And so if you’re running a team, I think you are going to fail as a leader, if you don’t facilitate conversation, if you don’t facilitate people having a voice people having an input, if you’re not in a place to facilitate that you don’t want to facilitate that, then you’re failing as a leader, in my opinion, because you’re not leading robots, you’re leading people, human beings who are alive, they have emotions, they have thoughts, they have great ideas and they’re great at executing. And if you don’t trust your team to really talk to you, you did two things you’ve either created a horrible culture. And this is all on you, or you hired all the wrong people. If you’re in charge, crap rolls uphill, crap defies gravity, it always rolls uphill responsibility rolls uphill, always. And it doesn’t roll downhill. And yes, I understand that when leaders make bad decisions, a lot of times a team is the one who pays for it. But in this case, and in business and in life, it the more in charge you are the more or the crap rolls towards you.

And so this being said, like if you don’t have a place to where you can trust your team, then you’ve either created a really poor culture, really bad culture, or you’ve hired the wrong people. And so one of the goals is if you’re going to have and produce a great team is you need to allow them to have a voice. The second thing is if you micromanage the team, and you’re telling them What to do all the time, they’re not going to have a voice micromanagement kills the team, What you need is for the team to talk to you and tell you What they think needs to be done and allow them to create the solutions to the challenges they’re running into. And then you’re just like a guidepost, that’s it, you’re just telling them What directions and giving them input ever so slightly, or however much needs to be to make good decisions. And that’s it. All you’re doing is supplementing that information. And your goal as a leader is really to supplement your team so they can make informed decisions and have the right information to make it no matter how high up or how low down you are.

And I’m err quoting right now, it doesn’t matter where you are in the ladder. And especially if you are opening your own business and running your business. It is so important to allow your team to talk to you not run everything, not think for you. That’s different, but to have partnership in real conversation to where they can be open honest with you. And so I think this is a bad idea. You need that. Believe me, you need that because when you’re doing the best you’ve ever done in your life, you’re not doing as good as you think you are. And when you’re doing the worst in your life. You’re also not doing as bad as you think. If you’re Marcus Aurelius.

Anyways, I’ll catch you guys later peace.

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