Ep. 302 – Looking For The Real Deal


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick, would you partner with me to share the show with somebody that you believe would better their life. And if not just leave a review or rating and help me change lives and partner with me in that way. I appreciate it. I really appreciate it guys.

So real quick, I always say real quick, but it’s going to be the whole episode, I want to talk about how the presence of social media What it’s done, it’s specially in business. It’s created so much white noise or fakeness, because there’s so many people yelling. And there’s so many people yelling about their credentials, and there’s so many people yelling and screaming about who they are and What they can do. And I’m not saying that the businesses are fake, but the way that they’re getting attention is fake. And What they’re doing is fake. And it’s really unauthentic. And I believe that there’s actually going to be a shift in it has already begun a lot to move towards real.

People are now looking for real. And if you’re opening up a company and opening up a business, What they want is somebody who is real. People want to work for somebody who is real, because we’ve been in an era of really major corporations. And I would almost say Amazon, if occation, to where you have these huge mega businesses. And a lot of the human side of things has been lost, a lot of the human side of things has been lost, the humanity has been removed. And big corporations has taken his place or social media has taken the place where a lot of the humanity is removed, and everything just was picture perfect. Or everything is just funny and entertaining, and just a place to escape and run away from the reality of things.

That being said, I think this is a massive, massive opportunity for anybody just starting out. If you choose to be real up front, you choose not to be something different than you are, you choose to be small, you choose to be Mom and Pop size, as you’re starting out, I believe you’re going to win enormously. And the reason why is because that is real, that is What it used to be. That is how it really works. And if you start out as the real deal, and then people know that you’re real, you’re not socially fake, you’re not marketing, the fake, and all these things, it is going to absolutely have a major positive impact on whatever venture you’re going to do. And you can see that a lot of companies of yours have been trying to do this. They’ve been trying to rebrand themselves as a real or come across or open up sub brands that are underneath them to make them seem smaller to capture this side of the market. And it may work. It has worked in some aspects, but it’s not going to be able to beat or replace who you are, if you’re just starting out.

And oftentimes there’s this idea of professionalism, that oh, man, I’m not professional enough to get the job. And it’s like, well, What is professional, right? Who came up with all the criteria of What professional is? And where’s that definition written down. And we’re all the contracts that we as people in humanity have agreed to appear to these professional rules. It doesn’t exist. Instead, if you want to be clean and respectful, and you want to dress nice for other people, and you want to dress nice, and you’re doing it for yourself. You’re dressing nice, not just for other people. But I know I said that moment ago, dress nice for other people, I meant not for other people, you’re dressing nice for yourself, to be proud of yourself and proud of your crew and things like that. wearing uniforms and things that’s radically different.

And that’s What I’m talking about being real. You’re making decisions for you and What is best for you and you’re choosing to be you if you’re not a suit guy, don’t wear suits, right? There’s a whole crowd of people in business who are not going to wear suits. And I think it’s super important. Cool, you you’re not you didn’t grow up in the city, or you did grow up in the city. And whatever it is, it’s just you. And the point of this is you be you, too many people are trying to be something that they are not. They’re trying to be a man or a woman that they are not they’re trying to have their company be a different company than it actually is. And Andrew and I did this when we first started, yeah, we need this. We want this. And it’s like man, that produced so many problems in our lives, because we are always trying to be something that we were not and we are trying to create something that we are not. And as a result, it failed because it was never real.

Think about it. Everything that’s fake always falls apart later. And that’s true in life and in business. But I’m just saying this because what’s happening is there’s going to be a major resurgence of people looking for real especially with the next couple of generations coming up. And I think there’s going to be a huge huge pullback for this in business

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later peace

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