Ep. 308 – Building Out The Plan To Get Out


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey guys real quick, I just really want to appreciate all the listeners, everybody tuning in. Thanks for being a part of tribe guys, I really appreciate this, I hope that this is impactful. And helping you that is one of my main goals is really to just provide value and give back one through documenting my own journey in business and in life. And then also through really trying to give practical towards everything. That being said, I’m just gonna go ahead and jump into it too.

I think that there’s a misconception in life were growing up. When we move from like childhood or adolescence, I don’t know What it’s like in different countries. Because I only grew up in America, there’s this misconception where everything’s going to be easy and oftentimes handed to us. And we’re in a country where there is so much plenty all the way around, that oftentimes, depending on where you’re at, you grew up thinking everything’s going to be handed to you. And as a result, we don’t actually face any hardship or major hardship, right. And when that happens, we normally have this mindset of entitlement, there’s so many people out there who have a mindset of entitlement, for things to be handed to them.

Now, I’m not talking about when you work hard, and somebody breaks a promise to you, and they don’t fulfill their side of the promise, they don’t fulfill their side of the contract. And they’re actually shorting you or harming you, or doing things to you that they had been previously promised you work for a toxic boss, they don’t want to pay you commission, they don’t want to do certain things, right? That’s not What I’m talking about. What I’m talking about is, when you’re leaving school, and you’re getting out of school, all the like, oh, life is going to be easy. And I’m just gonna be able to get my dream job, I’m going to be able to get into my passion or live life the way I want to live.

And then that’s not the reality of things. And then two things happen. One, we were given to quitting, and we either given and begin to quit or two, we begin to do things that we don’t want to do. And Here’s the thing, oftentimes, where you want to go in life, you got to do a lot of stuff that you don’t want to do. Now, oftentimes, when we begin to work, we’re doing things that we don’t want to do, we actually don’t have a plan to escape that we’re doing things that we don’t want to do out of necessity, or rather out of design. And this comes back to your life, you’re in charge of designing how you want to live life, you’re in charge of moving forward the way you want to move forward and planning things out. And if you don’t have a plan for how to get the point from A to B, you’re not going to actually be able to move in any sort of direction, you’re just going to wander, right, if you don’t have a direction, when you’re leaving your house to go drive on a road, you don’t have a final destination, you can’t figure out any of the turns in between your house and the restaurant you want to get to, you’re just hoping you might arrive there, but the roads are endless.

And it’s the same thing in life, you have to have a plan. And then that takes the hard things that you have to do things that you don’t want to do, it takes that part of the grind in that part of the process and the journey. And now it helps make it way more tolerable because you know, that you’re on the path you need to be to make steps into the direction in the final destination of where you want to be. And it’s oftentimes the plan that we’re lacking. So it’s not that it’s just an unwillingness of, I don’t want to do What I don’t want to do. There’s lots of people who do hard things.

The problem is they’re doing hard things without a final purpose. They’re either doing hard things, in that based upon the purpose of just paying the bills or buying food or providing for their family, they don’t have a financial goal to meet to be financially free. They don’t have a dream that they’re trying to accomplish that they’ve mapped out how to get from A to B, it’s not mapped out. And it’s not, it’s not actually written down. And it’s not thought through, it doesn’t mean that every step of the way has to be mapped. But at least to have a direction established of where somebody needs to head that normally doesn’t happen. And then that’s why people will stay trapped.

And it’s very interesting because oftentimes, it is the the catch 22 of I don’t know What to do, but then you never start because you don’t know What to do. But if you start, then you’ll actually figure out What to do. I actually do another episode on that, and I’ll talk about that. But, but it’s that plan. And most of us don’t even want to try the plan because we’re afraid it might be too big. We’re afraid we’re not going to accomplish it. But if you’re really honest with yourself and really honest with your position, you’ll realize that you’re not going to accomplish anything anyways, without a plan. You cannot go sail on the sea. Without navigational devices. You cannot go say on the sea without measuring your location from where you are to the stars or in I’m thinking like old ships and cloth and sailing like that. Versus today GPS, you can’t do it without measuring where you’re at.

And it’s the same thing in life. If you are doing things that you don’t want to do. You’ve got to have a plan on how to get out of that. and then how that actually guides you and is a stepping stone towards your final destination towards your dream. Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later peace

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