Ep. 335 – Team Work: Honest and Humility


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Well, guys, today the rant is team work, I guess I don’t know. Anyways, I’m trying a new Intro So you can tell me if you hate it or love it whatever. So anyways, I want to talk about teamwork and I What I really want to talk about is how in order to have a great team, you have to be honest, and you have to build a culture of honesty, right? Now, honestly doesn’t mean that you’re just going to tell people you hate them when you’re angry, and things don’t go your way. Right? We’re talking about being adults and mature. But What we are saying is, honesty is more important than people pleasing, right? Or politics, keeping people happy. Like if you’ve never have read Franklin Stanley’s book about five dysfunctions of a team, I’m encourage you to read it, it is a phenomenal book.

But What it is, is it describes why a lot of teams break down with their teamwork, because there’s a lack of transparency and honesty, in real vetting of ideas, real vetting of actions, real vetting, for momentum and decisions that are being made. Okay. And I think that it is essential for teams to be honest, and to have that culture of honesty. And one of the things that we do and that we really strive for is like cool, your voice matters, your opinion matters, and your voice matters.

It doesn’t matter What you What position you hold, if we’re sitting there having discussion, it doesn’t matter What the hierarchy is, right? It doesn’t matter who’s the boss, and I’m err, quoting, because we actually dislike that too. Okay, we want partnership. And then there is authority set in place, if somebody has to make a judgment call, right? If it’s not going to be found out, or if there’s not going to be agreement, that judgment call has to be made. That’s What the authority is for. But the voice matters, your voice matters, no matter What position you are in on the totem pole. And I’m air quoting, because it’s really everybody’s just in a position with different responsibilities.

And the point of that is, is if you think something’s a bad idea, you matter, and you as a person matter, in our business, and in the team, and you are smart, and you’re very valuable, and your opinion is valuable, and we want to hear it. And so that’s something that, like Andrew and I talk constantly about is like how to build that, how to create that, and how to make that a focus within the company, to really actually have that be healthy on the inside. And when that as we focus on that. And as things have changed over the years to really encourage that report that you watch everything just go up through the roof, right? Why? Because now you’re not just a number, right? You’re not just a number that works for some company, you’re a real person, you’re real human being. And I did an episode about like focusing on your customer, while one of your customers is your employees. What does that mean?

They’re buying into the vision, they’re buying into the dream, they’re buying into What you’re building and What you’re doing, they’re counting on you to give them more worthwhile work. If you’re building something they’re counting on you, to help them have a life that matters and do work that matters long term. And so focusing on them and serving them is a huge part of leadership. Right? Serving your team and serving your team doesn’t just mean give me the money, money is important, and it matters. But there’s so much more to people than just money. Like I’m not just a collection of bills to pay and a paycheck that I receive. It’s not why my wife married me and wants to be with me. And money does is it is important to live, right. But it’s not the end all be all.

And when you get into a company where that’s the end all be all. You look at how things run and you look at whether you really want to be there and be a part of those organizations. And more likely than not, you don’t. And so if you really think about how the culture is built internally with a team, it’s really to where honesty is so important across all levels, and then the humility with all the team members, they’re involved to be able to listen to one another. Right? Like we don’t, for us, we don’t do well. If there’s not humility, humility, to listen humility to be wrong humility to talk and receive critique, to talk and to vet ideas. Humility is required for all of those things.

And humility isn’t just like, oh, yeah, isn’t just like, hey, I’m just not cocky. Humility is the ability to really I you would almost say like submit to What the other person saying. And then to open up and to listen to them and open up and value What they’re saying. Whether it’s on point, whether it’s not it doesn’t matter. But the point is, is we are all after to do something bigger than ourselves, that we’re all after to do something greater than What we are as individuals. And as a result, we’ll talk about it and we’ll work through whatever comes up and then when a decision is made We all have buy in and we’re ready to go.

So anyways, that’s it for today guys, and I hope you’re doing good and I’ll catch you later peace

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