Ep. 340 – Celebrating Creativity


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. Thanks for joining in. Thanks for tuning in. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And today guys, I wanted to talk about celebrating creativity.

I think that oftentimes, especially in business, we forget to celebrate creativity. And by creativity, I mean this, I don’t mean breaking processes. And I don’t mean, like acting out on your own program to where you’re just outside of the team, and you’re running away from teamwork, and you’re on your own. And really just honestly, being independent in not a positive way, What I really mean by creativity is this, you are actively thinking and pursuing, creating something and bettering something. So your mindset is to grow. Your mindset is to grow larger with the company. And to help everybody as a team move forward. You personally, the company, everything else.

Now, Here’s the thing, I think oftentimes in corporate that, that gets overlooked and shut down a lot. And it gets replaced with just do What I tell you to do. And I think that’s poor leadership, when you just sit there and tell people to do What they think, you know, you think that they should do. And I also think that What happens is, is it stumps and snubs, personal growth and company growth. If you look at the most successful companies, the most successful companies really thrive in creativity, and creativity, not just to design and build things, but actually with a purposeful work attached to creating something to serve others, to provide value to society, to provide value for life, and just better ingenuity, with a heart behind to serve people overall.

I mean, that’s been a lot of successful companies doing better, are predicated on that in there really people predicated companies like the focus on people that focus not just on the product, but they’re focused on serving people that focus on bettering people. And I think that that is massive, and I think celebrating creativity personally, but if you’re in a position of leadership, celebrating others underneath you, for creativity, to encourage them to step outside, into move forward, into think and to actually have forethought and foresight to create something that actually provides value within the team is phenomenal.

And honestly, that’s just lost a lot. It’s really lost, like we don’t celebrate people, for people, we focus on numbers, we focus on data, we focus on output, and input and all this other stuff. And those things are needed in a company. But the problem is, is we’re focusing on that, and then we’ve lost the actual creation process. And if you think about it, in life, like we, as people were made to really like, create, we’re made to build things we’re made to have work with purpose, we’re made to have worked driven by vision, and long term purpose and long term goals. And it’s What I’ve called a lot like real work. And we’re made to have that.

And so when we actually stop celebrating the ability to create the ability to build the ability to improve and change, and create meaningful change and impact in our lives, and in the lives of others, we’ve lost out on honestly, like, I would say probably like 90% of the real work. What’s the point of showing up to the job if it’s meaningless. And you think about where most like toxic workplaces aren’t where toxic work culture is, they are surrounded with meaningless work. Like, it’s like, if you can imagine somebody being a factory, just pushing a button over and over and over. And that’s the work they’re doing. Then at that point, it’s like, that’s, there’s no purpose to that other than I’ve got to pay bills, and I need to get out of this place. Versus we’re going to celebrate the building and the creation of something to better our lives to better the people’s lives to change the world and impact it. And then this is the place that you can do that in and we provide an opportunity to that and we celebrate that personally. That’s where everybody needs to be.

That’s where companies need to be. Honestly, that’s like What Andrew and I we talk about this a lot like how to celebrate creativity. How do we celebrate the team, when they’re thinking when they’re actually having input, and they’re actually being people see, when you shut down creativity, it’s very interesting because you honestly shut down the human aspect of the team, you shut down the human aspect of the individual because people are made to dream. They’re made to think and everybody dreams on different scales and thinks on different scales.

But the point is, is when you take that out of the picture, it actually causes a lot of conflict and harm to the team to individuals, to the culture, and the whole point of this is you got to be people minded and people focused. And so anyways, this has been my rant for today and I just want to really want to say like I think that This would do a lot of good within every company out there if they started really looking to celebrate not just the production of the company and in the company but actually the creativity of everything.

So anyways guys, that’s it, so I’ll catch you later. Peace

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