Ep. 355 – The Value Exchange, Life and Business 101


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. Hey, guys, real quick, would you do me a favor, if you know somebody whose life would be better by listening to the show, Would you partner with me in changing lives and share it with them? I really appreciate it. Also, real quick, for those of you watching by late internet, you see all my gray and white hair getting older?

Well, guys, I actually want to talk about how business works. And just from a fundamental level, and this is something personally, it took me time to really understand. Because I grew up, I grew up Middle America, right, I grew up in the middle class. On the wealthier side. It’s interesting. Just because of how I grew up, I grew up, rich, you would say more than most my dad made over 100k a year as an airline pilot. And then after I got married and went on my own, I became suddenly poor. And it took me a long time to one actually realize that fact, but then actually come to this conclusion, when doing business, right? That there is a simple value exchange that occurs in business and all business operates off of just simply exchanging value.

And a good example of this is if you work for somebody, you’re currently in a value exchange type relationship, your skills and your production are valuable to the business and in return, they give you something that is valuable to you money. Now money, just to give you a quick overview of that money was created to simplify the value exchange, because way back in the day, if I had a horse, you had a cow, and our neighbor had a pig, and you wanted a horse, but I didn’t want a horse only thing. I mean, if you wanted a horse, and the only thing you had to treat me was the cow and I didn’t want a cow, we were never going to trade. If I wanted a pig, I would trade for the pig, I would trade the horse for the pig or vice versa, right. And so it’s broken. But money simplify that because money became a universal value, right of universal value exchange a tool to facilitate the exchange of value of goods and services.

And value isn’t just physical products. Value isn’t money in society, we’re so desensitized to What true value is because our number one tool for doing that is money, right? Which is What it was created for. However, value is not money value is the outcome, money gets you that you are looking to achieve, right values outcome money gets you that you’re looking to achieve. And value is the outcome that money allows you to achieve. And in I think this is interesting, because business operates this way, I give you something of value. And in return, you give me something of value in it is simple exchange of money, right? We give you goods or services. And in return, you give us money, which then we can exchange for What we value because What businesses value is going to be different than consumers and vice versa or other businesses.

And I’m saying this because this is a very fundamental concept for how life works. And for how business works, if you don’t understand the transfer of value in the simplicity of this, because it’s super complicated, right? And it really isn’t and to not overcomplicate this through like cool all the technical bank stuff, this that this that is like no, just to really understand the concept really simply that every interaction you have in your life is pretty much one of value. I mean, think of all your relationships you get there’s value involved and your friends, do you value being with your friends, the time that is spent is valuable to you? And how so is it of emotional value, sentimental value? Is it experiential value? Is that knowledge value? What do you value? And What are you trading?

And if you can start to see What is valuable to people if you understand What is valuable to you. And then if you’re able to see and start tapping into What other people find this valuable, you will win in business and you’ll win in life. You’ll win in negotiations with companies when you’re interviewing, because part of why interviews go bad is you don’t know What the company values. You don’t know What they want. Cool. They have a job position but great, there’s a whole value chain tied to that job position. Why does that matter? And why does the person who’s interviewing you who’s most likely going to be your boss or over that position? Why do they even care and then they have a personal value set on top of that, right? They have personal goals, they want to achieve things that they value things that they personally value in the team that maybe somebody else wouldn’t.

And I’m saying all of this to really, to really start the process of Oh, life is just really a simple exchange of value for most times, right? And I’m not removing the people side of the human side from this, but to just see this on a more basic level of how businesses operate. I cut your grass Give your time back. You give me money. And that’s how most businesses work at a very simple level. And it took me a long time to learn this to come to this conclusion really simply, but that’s that’s really it. So anyways guys, as usual, I’m over so I’m gonna peace out. Have a great day. Peace

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