Ep. 364 – Pay it Forward First


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business. I hope you’re doing well hope life’s treating you good. Real quick, guys. If you all would partner with me in changing lives, if there’s somebody that you know, whose life would be better by listening to the show, would you partner with me and share it with them? I appreciate it.

Well, guys, today, I want to talk about paying it forward first. And it’s a principle that Andrew and I talk about. And it’s a principle of going first. And it’s interesting to see and watch in life. And if you watch people, you’ll see that most people don’t want to go first. But if you go first, the most amazing thing happens, people reciprocate, right? People reciprocate in business because you go first with giving value, you go first with giving and paying it forward, right? You go first, with listening, you go first with discovery, you go first with understanding empathy, you go first and actually serve somebody else. And then all of the sudden, the doors in life just seem to open up, especially in business, right. And I’m not talking about becoming subservient to somebody, which is you’re in an unhealthy relationship between the client and yourself. And you’re just doing everything they say you’re not charging money, nope, sometimes going first is making sure that you have good guidelines and boundaries in place to serve the client and saying, Hey, this is outside of scope, we got to charge you, right.

However, it’s having a heart position to pay it forward. First, it’s having that principle instilled in your life. And I think, I think this really gets misconstrued a lot, specially in sales, because cool, I paid for it first, but they’re strings attached, you better buy from me, that’s not paying it forward. First, that’s called manipulation. And those are manipulation tactics, to create fake customer relationships, because that’s not a relationship, name, any friendship that’s going to last long term based on that, right? That’s not a friendship, you start talking and start wading into the seas of abuse.

It’s the same thing everywhere else. And it applies everywhere else, right. And so I’m not talking about doing this to get something out of somebody. I’m talking about doing this because this is the type of person you want to be. And then you’ll watch the world around, you change. And you’ll watch life change around you because you’re simply there to serve, and help others. And you’re simply there to help others go forward in their life. Right. And so again, like I said, it’s just simple, whether it’s listening, whether it’s discovering whether it’s going forward and building the things that need to be built, like Andrew and I talked about paying it forward, awesome. before we, before we’re doing this, let’s make sure we’re going to be able to properly serve the clients that’s paying it forward first, let’s make sure we can keep our promises as we’re building this before we just start selling it or offering it. Okay, that’s paying it forward. First. Awesome.

If we were in their shoes, What would we want? Right? What did they actually care about, that’s paying it forward first, because you’re thinking about them first, you’re going first in the relationship, to start the relationship to define it, right? And then for that relationship to be predicated on serving, and you’ll find that people who do not like this, do not value this or appreciate this, and not really people that you want in your life in general, right. And the selfishness that you are now removing yourself from, you’ll be able to see is now an open door to selflessness in your life, but also for other people to come into selflessness. Right. So you go first, and then others will follow and others will fall behind and come alongside.

And it seems to be that when you’re really actually paying it forward. First, there’s more opportunities to serve just in your everyday life, the people at the grocery store, holding their door open, being polite, being respectful, honoring somebody else, all of those aspects, open doors along the way. And life is a lot better. When your selfless, life’s a lot better. And I’m not talking about, you know, to where you’re subservient, like true selflessness does not include harming yourself or doing things that are going to put you in harm’s way, or that would be harmful to you. Right. That’s not What true selflessness is. That’s actually subservience. And that’s actually selfishness. And I can talk about why later

But the point of What I’m trying to say is, this is a hard position to really serve. And if you can implement this into client relationships, and in team member relationships, everything will change, right? where everybody’s thinking about everybody else. And then empathy is spreading throughout the company because everybody’s taking a moment to be selfless and step outside of their own shoes and put themselves in somebody else’s and they go first with it.

Anyways guys, that’s it. And I hope you guys get something out of this stuff. Like I said, it’s really just documenting the journey and I’ll catch you later peace

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