Ep. 387 – Want to Go Faster? Ship Faster.


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to the rants guys, all five minutes of them. Well all five minutes of this one. So welcome back.

Well guys, I want to talk about and really cover today I want to talk about shipping things and moving faster. Andrew and I just had a conversation about this. And we are both thinkers, right, him and I are thinkers, we have to think a lot we analyze, it’s part of who we are, naturally, both of us. And What we talked about today was the goal is really speed to ship. And Here’s why. Because the faster you ship, the faster you begin to execute and do something, the quicker you’re going to understand What you need to do, the faster you’re going to be able to move forward. And the more clear things become more quickly.

And What happens is we get lost in trying to figure out all the details oftentimes, right. And if you are new in business, and you’re new and things, right, you need speed, because Here’s the thing is depending on how you start, whether you’ve got a lot of funding and backing, or whether you’re small, and it’s just you, and maybe one of the person helping you, right, you need speed to understand and figure out What works and What doesn’t, you need speed in order to actually avoid pitfalls down the road speed in terms of oh, this is What works in offering this is What doesn’t and the way that you learn that is repetition, right repetition of doing the task, repetition and performing the service repetition and making the product repetition over these things. And the longer you sit to think about that, the less repetitions you’re going to have under your belt, the less that you’re going to move, right business normally moves at walking speed, it does not move super quick, even when you are fast, it does not get up and run the cycles of business take longer.

It does it involves more people, it involves a lot more intricacies and pieces versus you just assigned to do something on your own right, because you’re affecting way more people and individuals outside yourself, one within the company and then to all the people that the company affects as well. And as a result, it’s slow. And so Here’s the thing, you need speed to do whatever you’re going to do. So if let’s just say you want to open up a design firm, right? You need to then begin designing, you need to begin selling. And then you need to begin designing for clients and figuring out What works and What doesn’t. You need to have that iteration process and why do people hire me? Why do people fire me, right? You need to get fired, you need to learn why you get fired, it’s a great experience, you need to learn why you should fire a client, that’s a real thing too.

Or if you are making a product, you need to have the iterations out there for a product. Okay, awesome. Let me how fast can I get this to market to sell to see if people actually want it? Right? You don’t just need quality out the wazoo. Right quality is important. And there’s a direct correlation to successful businesses who focus on quality, over lowering their price. There’s correlations to all that. And I can talk about that later. But it’s very important that when you’re first starting out, or when you’re beginning a new venture speed, you just want to ship the sucker. You want to find out What breaks and What doesn’t work as soon as possible. Come back, fix, repair, repeat. And I say this a lot. But it’s think, try, fail, learn, grow, repeat, over and over. That’s life. Think try, fail, learn, grow, repeat, if you look at any time, you’ve learned something in your life, it’s gone in that process. And in that order.

And in business, if you can ship things faster, you are going to learn faster, and if you learn faster, you will succeed faster, right? Because, in my opinion, there is no such thing as learning without implementation. If you are learning, you’re implementing, right, whatever has been gathered, knowledge is not knowledge, just knowledge, right? Learning to me has an activity associated with it, an action associated with it, because when you learn, you have changed patterns in your life because you’ve learned not to do something. Right.

Andrew and I have changed things like in in the company in the business, we’ve changed things personally. Because there’s been a learning aspect in there’s been actual action based move movement taken in the company and in the business because of things that we have learned knowledge is Oh, cool. I know about that. Like I know about the moon, I know about the sun, but there’s no action taken on those things.

So if you take that, and then start applying it everywhere to where your goal is to learn. In other words, gather information, make it actionable, and take steps to improve within the company. You’ll move much faster and you’ll figure out and Here’s the other thing, take risks. Don’t Don’t take a risk is going to put you in the hole. But do something that’s risky, like, oh, I don’t want to do it cool. That’s probably What you should be doing. I don’t know if I should do that. I don’t know if that’s good idea. If you’re playing it safe and trying to protect yourself, you’re not going to succeed long term. And I’m not talking about being stupid. Like you don’t want to go out and borrow $10 million to go into that hole, right? Or you don’t want to spend all your cash reserves on one thing.

But if you look, there’s a direct correlation to playing it safe, being risky and learning from that with actually having a successful company or life. Anyways, I’m way over guys so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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