Ep. 388 – The Way You See And Think Is The Way You Act


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up, everybody, welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants.

So today everybody, I actually want to talk about processing and thinking. And I want to talk about how if you can learn to think differently, and you learn to process and work through things better, you’re going to overall make better decisions in life, you’re going to overall take better actions, and you’re actually going to move forward the way that you want to move forward in life.

So, for instance, my wife and I, we were going on financials, we talked money, different things like that. And we were working together. And we were I was explaining a concept to her about just money, financials, different things. And we were talking about how to see this certain aspect in our money, hey, this is how you should look at it. Here’s why Here’s a perspective. And we started walking through and she’s like, Oh, my gosh, this is amazing. I have not seen this before. And the point of this story is this, we stopped. And we actually went through and processed out how to observe and look at What we are doing, how to actually see or define or interpret the task at hand, the decisions we need to make with money, how we’re going to use the money, different things like that, right. And so a good word for this would be to conceptualize the subject of What we’re talking about.

And conceptualization is so important in order to actually move forward in life, in order to build, if you cannot properly conceptualize your task, if you can’t conceptualize the goal, or actually see the way that things work, you’re not going to be able to operate in that area of life. So for instance, if you don’t understand how sales work, marketing works, if you don’t understand processes and operations, how they work within a company, each of those areas in the company is going to be broken. And whatever you are good at conceptualizing right, you’ll find that that comes easy. And that’s normally tends to be more healthy, it normally turns out to be What it should be.

It’s the same thing in area of life, if you can actually conceptualize, you see What it’s supposed to be to, you know, be married to be a person who adds value to life, right? A person who’s like, not just hey, I’m just a human being living in society, it’s actually worthwhile to be with me or be around me, to be in a marriage to raise children to operate in a business, as a leader or anything like that, if you are able to conceptualize What you need to do, and you’re actually able to observe and see, and understand What needs to happen in order for that to be profitable, in order for that to be valuable in order that for that to be healthy. Everything’s going to change.

And when you don’t conceptualize when you operate on What I would call instinct, it’s cool. This is just What I’m doing. This is What I feel is best in the moment, that normally starts leading into unhealthiness. And that area, and that’s how it is with business, any area that you are emotionally in with business is going to be an unhealthy area, for instance, and I’ll probably do, I’ll probably talk about this at some point. But most people run financials off emotions, most people don’t even look at financials the way they need to, they don’t look at them on a regular basis. And then oftentimes, they will make emotional decisions versus logical decisions.

Now, Here’s the thing, you have to have empathy, because you’re leading people, and you have a team, right? And this is under the assumption that if you want to build a company that actually has other people than yourself involved, okay, and if you’re leading people, there has to be empathy there. And I think there should be. And I think that that’s healthy. However, when it comes to decision making. Cool, Here’s the hard facts of What needs to happen in life. Hey, I love you as a person, but you’re not performing. You don’t have buy in, What are the steps to correct this? Or is it cool, you’re actually causing the company money and loss, and then long term, this isn’t being corrected. And now we need to do something. And so the point of What I’m saying is taking the emotionalism out of everything, to really process to see what’s best for the individual, to see what’s best for yourself. And this is how it is in the company. If you can process and conceptualize and understand and logically begin walking out What needs to occur and how to actually look at things properly. Everything in life is going to change.

It’s interesting because you hear a lot of entrepreneurs, they talk about, Hey, your environment, What you brought up in your mindset, right? Your mindset, mindset, mindset, all these things shaped your mindset. This is the point of the mindset. This is What it really means like how do you see the world? And then how do you change that worldview for really What it should be? Right because if somebody in your life is not working, if it’s not, if you’re doing something in life and is not aiding you or helping you get where you are, then you have the wrong mindset and you don’t process well in that area. And that should be switched and changed and improved. And then everything will change.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time so I’ll catch you later peace

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