Ep. 391 – The Myth of Being Profesional


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants hope you’re doing good hope life’s treating you well. Today, I’m so awkward starting these I’ve cut the intro everybody just to get to the stuff faster because I figured it’d be better for everybody else and drawn all this stuff out being selfish anyways, so the intros awkward and all those other good jazz. So, so much for professionalism, which is a myth.

And I actually you know What we’re here so I’ll just talk about that that’s not What I planned on talking about, but we’ll talk about professionalism. And I personally believe professionalism is a myth who wrote the rulebook on how to be professional right? Now there’s etiquette, there’s cotillion, there’s all this stuff about, oh, yeah, be professional, hey, you need a suit, you need this, you need that? All these things. And if you look at it, at the end of the day, it’s like, oh, no, where people, right people trying to look and play a part that we just need to fit in. And we’re not dressing nice for ourselves. We’re dressing nice to fit in, which is radically two different things.

I’ve done it like when Andrew and I first started networkworking, when we first started a business. One of the things that like really, that we did was oh, man, we need to look like business owners will tell me how business owner dresses. Tell me how a salesman dresses like, cool, you got to wear a suit and all this other stuff to impress. It’s like, No, you you as a salesperson, your whole job is just to get trust with people. Right? Create a relationship, start a relationship, because why do people buy from you? You get the product from 10 different places? Why did they choose you? Trust. That’s it. And who do you trust people you’re in a relationship with. And so when you are dressed to impress, and doing all these other things, you’re not really doing it for yourself.

Now, if you decide, hey, you know What I know, this client, or this person comes from this world, and I want to serve them and you have a different heart position about it, okay? You’re actually thinking and making some conscious decisions to serve somebody through that. But the myth of professionalism isn’t really there. Because What happens is, you start going, like, oh, yeah, I bought the new suit, everybody is going to know, I’m the next boss, because I’m driving the Mercedes. Now they know that I’m going to get the promotion, they know that I’m going to run the team, all these things, it’s just like, you’re going to run the team, because you have a Mercedes? you’re gonna run the team, because you have a suit?

You’re gonna run the team, because you just upgraded your wardrobe, you’re gonna run the team, because you look the part not because you’re actually a good leader, not because you have qualities and characteristics that people admire that actually serve people and help the team because as a team leader, and as a leader, just in general period, your job is to serve. And if your job is to serve, that means that your job is to actually help the most people possible in the team do their jobs better. What is the suit have to do with that? What does Mercedes Benz have to do with that? And so I’m just saying, there’s a point to dressing nice, but out of self respect for yourself, there’s a point to getting a haircut, and to look sharp and clean shaven have good hygiene, but not so everybody in the office can see that I’m going to be the next big boss, or the next big thing. It’s for me to take care of myself, right?

To go, oh, you know What I’m worth, I’m worth that I’m worth a haircut. I’m worth showering. I’m worth, you know, brushing my teeth twice a day, or three times a day, after every meal, I’m worth going to the gym in acknowledging that and not out of this selfish place. Because you get into all the Hey, self care, self love stuff. And there’s such deep rooted selfishness and a lot of that, too. There’s an extreme over on that side. But the point of it is this is if you’re starting a business, and you don’t feel the part, guess What, you decide to start a business and you’re just like everybody else, wherever you’re going to go networking, and wherever you’re going to be.

And you know, What, if you are new, and you don’t have any clients, and people ask you like, well, I want to know if you’ve done this work before you know What you need to tell them. Listen, I’m going to work for you like no other. And Here’s why I don’t have that huge list of clients. I don’t have a name. I don’t have a huge reputation of success. But that means that I need to get one versus a whole huge firm that has a long list of all that stuff already. And you just be real and talk to them. Right?

And so the point is this, the myth of professionalism is really, really big. And the other point is this too is being real, I think matters more than trying to look professional and being you matters more than trying to look professional and if people don’t want to hire you don’t want to work with you for being you. Okay. They’re probably not a good fit. Anyways, It would probably be a miserable place to be in a miserable place to work.

So just food for thought totally different than What I’m planning on talking about I plan on talking about monies so that he guys go. Anyways, I’m way over guys I’ll catch you later. Peace

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