Ep. 418 – How To Capture Creativity: My Process


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody, welcome back to THE a.m and welcome back to five minute rants. I hope you’re doing well. Hope life is treating you guys good. I’m better than I deserve currently and today, guys, I actually want to talk about creativity. And I actually want to talk about one of the processes that I have for creativity, for vision.

So a couple things. First, I want to talk about the way that we think and operate. So oftentimes I will personally have thoughts and ideas, right? Oh, they just come in random moments, different things, whatever I’m doing, what I’m doing, spark something else. Okay, so there’s thoughts that come up, and the process I want to talk about is I actually pause and document the thoughts and document the idea, and just pause and have a brief outline of what just came up. And the reason why is this, thoughts are very fleeting, and if you don’t capture them, oftentimes it’s very hard to go back to capture that idea, to capture that vision.

And good creative ideas often die in the planning phase. I’ll say that too. So you can have one of the best ideas you’ve ever had, one of the most amazing ideas you’ve ever had, and it will die in the planning phase, because you will plan yourself out to not do it. You’ll plan out why not to do it. You’ll list all the reasons of why not to do it. But if you look at some of the most amazing things you’ve probably ever done in your life, and you can look back and see that they’ve come from thoughts of creativity that have come into your mind, and then you’ve acted on them, and you haven’t actually second guessed your way out of them or planned your way out of them.

So anyways, going back to my thought process, and really my process for documenting creativity. So I’ll have creative thoughts. I’ll have different visionary thoughts, and I have what I call an idea jar where I document it cool. This is for a later time I’ll document it. I’ll have enough information like it’s written down. And then I put it in an idea jar, and then I just leave it until it’s time to either execute on it or utilize it. Sometimes, when I’m in the vision creating space, I will use them because they apply to what I’m doing right now in building and creating. But other times, I’ll actually place them off to the side. And then a secondary step to that is I’ll actually go through them every once in a while to see how things apply, to see how things apply to the company, how they apply to production, how they apply to building and creating what we currently have. And then I’ll measure them like, okay, cool. This is still for later time, and I’ll take that and continue to allow it to just sit there.

I’m saying all of this because when I started doing that, a lot of things began changing with how I worked. A lot of things began changing with how I executed because of all those thoughts, they were pieces, oftentimes, to what I was building, but for the way that I think they’re pieces that were 5, 6, 7, steps down the road, and at the time, I didn’t always see I didn’t know it, but it’s documented there, and I can actually come back, take from it and utilize it at a later time.

It’s interesting how finite we are as people, even the thoughts we have, how they will come in, and it’s like they’re gone with a breath, like they just left and they’re gone. And then it’s harder to recall, and it’s harder to actually recapture that moment you have. Because when you have really creative thoughts, when you have very visionary thoughts, there’s like, life to them, and there’s this whole, there’s this whole emotion connected with them, and a whole emotion to where it’s like, wow, this is amazing. It’s not just a simple Oh, wow. Here’s an idea. There’s, there’s a whole emotional attachment or experience that occurs oftentimes during the creation process, in the creative process.

And I’ll say this about creation and creativity. I’m not just talking about music or art, cool, those are creative. However, you have to be a highly creative individual to be an engineer. You have to be a highly creative individual to code, math is art and art is math. And you can look up that quote, I believe it’s by Leonardo da Vinci to where he says, study the science of art and study the the art of science. It’s something along those lines. I’m probably butchering it horribly.

But the point of all this is, is that it you are highly creative, no matter where you’re at, because it involves people. It involves problem solving. It involves creating something. If you’re building and creating something, it involves creativity. And so this documentation and this process of how I call it the idea jar. Put things away has really transformed a lot of stuff, because awesome as stuff comes and goes, there’s a document of it, and it may not be used or not, but it’s been great.

Anyways, guys, I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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