Ep. 443 – People Are Not A Number


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants. I appreciate you guys tuning in.

Well today, everybody, I want to talk about mindset towards leading the team and mindset with working with people, and so a couple things, I think it’s really important to see when you’re building a team. So if you’re new in entrepreneurship, and you have not started with the team, you’ve been a solopreneur, and you’ve just, you know out the gate, you’re doing everything the moment you start to build a team. One of the things that I found that is super helpful, one of the mindsets to have is you are investing in people.

So oftentimes you look at team building, and oftentimes a lot of companies look at teams and human resources as just that resources. Hey, it’s a budget item, it’s a number, it’s a paycheck, and it’s something that’s coming out of cash flow and profit, and it’s something we can expense, but it’s affecting our gross margin, all this stuff, right? Affecting gross profit, all these things. And I think it’s really important to have a mindset shift when it comes to that, to actually see that you are investing in people. You’re investing in their lives. They are trusting you to be a good partner in life, right? They trust you whether you know whatever company it is, whether you’re building something or whether you work in the company and you’re part of hiring. They’re trusting you with their livelihood.

Most of the people that work for us and that are part of the team currently, they have families, they have malice to feed, they have bills to pay, right? And oftentimes, we have found personally that most people, they’re not just looking for a job. They have somewhere they want to go in life, and they have some place they want to get to. Maybe it’s spending more time with their family. Maybe it’s retiring at some point. Maybe it’s taking their family on that dream vacation, or that trip that they’ve always wanted to go and they’re saving up for. Maybe it’s to celebrate Christmas.

I’m in the state, so there’s that I don’t know, but the part of it is, is, what would you do if you were in their shoes? What would your life look like? How would you want to be treated? And how would you want somebody to view you as just a number, as just a budgetary item, or would you want to see somebody above you look at you like you’re an investment, that there it is an opportunity for them to give into your life. And then there’s this relational aspect right where I’m giving my value as a person and as somebody who’s coming along the team to produce. And in return, you’re giving me value by paying my paycheck and by helping me provide for my family and then accomplish the things I want to do in my life. And then on top of that, what are you offering to help invest people to learn it’s and to help invest people to grow, to get where they want to go.

It’s it’s really interesting, because if you have people on your team, and they’re really good at what they do, they don’t just want a paycheck, they want more than that. It’s interesting because if you look at stats of reasons why people work for a company, and if you look at statistics of reasons why people stay with the company, one of the top reasons is they have a voice. Their voice matters. Isn’t that crazy to think about that? When I say something, my voice matters.

I’ve worked for companies where my voice didn’t matter. I found a lot of ways to improve, to save the company and all these things. Like one of the businesses I worked for, it was like $300,000 a year and just walking expense. I found, I was like, hey, if we make these few small moves, this is how much we get to add to the bottom line. I was like, heavily rejected for that and mistreated for that. I didn’t have a voice, even though I was thinking about the company’s interest. So you think about that, and you think about how the top reason for a lot of people is to have a voice. It’s so crazy to think that it’s not just about the money.

So I’m saying all of this because it’s wrong to just see people as a number and a budgetary item and those things matter, like you actually have to have the money to pay for people, to be on the team, to actually provide for them. That that money is important. However, you can’t just stop there. You’ve actually got to go deeper and further, and the best way to do this is when you actually really have empathy and stop and go. If I was in their position, how would I want to be treated? Right?

Treat others, love others as you love yourself. So have the empathy to stop and have the humility and the selflessness to stop and go. How would I want to be treated? How would I want to be invested in? How would I want my boss to interact with me? And what would my goals look like? What would my dreams look like, and where would I be if I have a company that doesn’t give two cents about my dreams? And about my goals, and where would I be if I worked for a company that did.

Anyways, just thoughts as you’re working and as you’re leading and building Anyways, guys, I’m out of time, so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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