Ep. 458 – Why I Talk About Simple


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Episode Transcript

What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back to five minute rants.

So guys, I want to talk about how life is simple, and a lot of the things that I talk about on this show seem to be pretty simple, and here’s a few things about that. First, for whatever reason, we complicate simple, so finding simple is extremely hard in our current stage in life. I think there’s a lot of reasons for this. One of them is just avoidance by us in general, because when things are really simple and easy, it makes it a lot harder to avoid responsibility.

When things are complicated, it’s always not our fault. The other thing that I want to talk about for simplicity is when things are boiled down to becoming really simple, it makes everything very doable. It makes everything actually very doable. So when your goals are, hey, I want to love people, serve people. Awesome. You don’t need a ton of money to do that. When the goal is really simple, hey, I want to actually be somebody who has empathy, and I want to be somebody who serves people. You don’t need any money to do that. You don’t need to own a business to do that. You don’t need to own fancy cars or a fancy suit. You can just show up, walk down the sidewalk and care about somebody that you meet on the street randomly.

And when the goals are really simple, they’re really achievable. The other thing about simplicity is this, all things foundationally in life are simple, right? Every human being across the globe has the same four needs, air, water, food and shelter in that order of importance. And all of us need those things. And then anything outside of that cool it’s just an addition and added bonus and icing on the cake for whatever we have, a roof of our heads, clothing on our back, all this stuff that’s more than just cool shelter to get out of the wind, snow, wherever we’re at.

And I think when you begin to see life as simple, everything begins to change. When you start seeking out like, oh, it’s really simple. If I keep my head down and I focus on improving myself, if I focus on improving the work I’m doing, and if I attach my work to something meaning, meaningful, something bigger than myself, my whole life is just going to go up. The whole, the whole, whatever it is I’m trying to build or accomplish will go up, the relationship, the company, the job, the position, my my personal self, everything will go up from there.

And it’s really simple, when you think about it, oh, cool. I want to improve. Awesome. Read a book. It’s that simple. Pick what you’re interested in. Where do you want to improve in life? You want to improve in finances and knowledge? Okay, read a book. It doesn’t Well, which book? It doesn’t matter if you haven’t read it, pick it up and read it. And if it’s a bad book, you’ll learn what not to do. It’s that simple when you need to actually begin on a journey and just start. It’s just simple. You don’t need to buy anything. You just need to set your foot out the door and go do it.

You want to start a lawn care company? Okay, if you got a lawnmower in your garage, you’re set. There you go. If not, well, then you know that you need to go outside your door and buy a lawnmower. It’s that easy. And I think we overcomplicate it. We overcomplicate so much. Oh, I need a website. Oh, I need marketing. I need to be on social media. I need to look the part. I need to be this. And it’s like, well, if you’re the guy who started the company, you look the part, because the guy who owns the company looks just like you. And if you want to look nice, okay, wear a collared shirt. Is that easy. It’s that simple.

And I’m saying this because Andrew and I, in our journey in life and business, have been trapped in the complexity and then all the craziness of what I would call fake there’s a lot of fakeness in a lot of the world currently, with everybody trying to be exactly what they need to be in order to do what they need to do, versus you’re the person who’s already there. You had the idea, you had the dream. You have everything you need cool.

If you’re going to build an app but you don’t know how to code, then you’re the guy who’s going to build the app without knowing how to code, right? If you are the person who wants to start a makeup company and you don’t have any connections in that makeup industry, you’re the person who has the idea and who knows what they want to do to change that industry or to offer a new product. You’re already equipped and ready to go do that, and you’re going to make the connections you need to make. Because if you were already connected, it might not be the same way that it would be starting where you’re starting at now.

And it’s just a radical perspective shift of how life and business works and how simple things are. And I think it’s so important to know that life proceeds very slowly, one step at a time. Cool, you’ve improved here. Here you go now, here’s your next step to improve, here’s your next step to improve, and that’s how everything’s built, one step at a time. Everything’s just like Legos. If you ever built a Lego, it’s just like the directions, one brick at a time.

Anyways, guys, that’s why I talk about a lot of simple things on the podcast. So I’m out of time like normal. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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