Ep. 465 – It’s Going To Be Ok


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants.

So guys, today I’m actually going to talk a little bit more about just the personal journey Andrew and I’ve been on, and I want to talk about this for anybody who’s currently in the grind. And by the grind, I mean, cool, there’s work you’ve got to do every day, but there are certain places, especially if you’re starting a business, that become very hard or very stressful.

So when Andrew and I started, when Andrew and I started, it was great. It was an adventure, and it was amazing. And it was like, okay, cool, where we are doing this. And I had quit my job and left my job at the time, and Andrew had done the same pretty much. And by pretty much, I mean he, he was also finishing school at the time. And so anyways, he finished school up and and left his job, and we just began working full time. And there was a point in our life where money was so tight. I mean, we are having a discussions about how we’re going to buy toothpaste, and it was, it was very hard, because all the money went to bills and some different things.

And I’m bringing all of this up because if you are in a position like this, it’s going to be okay. You are going to figure out whatever you need to figure out to get the money that you need to get in order to survive, live, and then for everything to go forward. It is not impossible. And if you listen to most entrepreneurs in their journey, they have some sort of similar journey that Andrew and I had, where things are hard, things suck. You don’t know if anything is actually going to work, and there’s unsurity of things.

And the reason why you’re unsure is because you’ve never done this before, and the path that you are on, you’ve never experienced before, and so you don’t recognize any of the road signs telling you, hey, you’re headed in the right direction. And so what I’m saying is there are ways to do it, and this is when most people quit, and most people leave at points like this, and do not pursue the things that need to be pursued. They leave when the work increases. Oh, I’ve got to do more work. I’m working more than a 40 hour a week. I don’t want to do that. Or when things get tight in the money, or when things get tight, and it’s a normal part of the journey, especially if you are brand new to the game.

If you’re brand new to the game, this part of the journey’s inevitable. You listen to Elon Musk story about SpaceX and him putting up the money for SpaceX and Tesla and things, and how things got tight, even though he had been experienced, he’s going through the grind, and the grind is important part of the process. Just so you know, because it refines you and helps you become sharp, and it actually helps you see and focus on the things you need to focus on. Because when things get hard like that, all of a sudden all the fluff is cut out, all the fluff and all the hype and all the Oh yeah, I’m this, I’m that, and all these things, it gets cut out and removed.

And that’s actually a blessing, that refinement process. And I’m saying all of this because if this is where you’re at, it’s going to be okay. Put your head down. Do the work you need to do. Do the work that the company needs you to do in order for it to live and grow. And the two most important things when you first start a company are sales and marketing, and then afterwards is production. There’s no point in production if you don’t have sales and marketing, there’s no point in production if you’re not selling anything, why are you producing it?

And so I’m saying all of that because it’s the true saying of sales cures all, and it really does. So focus on the work. You need to focus on, if you haven’t started marketing or networking, if you’re really if you’re a solopreneur and you’re starting out the gate, you need to go do that, and you need to go and put your head down and get back to work, and then continue to press forward down the path.

Things will get better. As long as you’re focusing on the things that matter, you’re not focusing on the stuff that doesn’t matter, and you’re focusing on improving. You’re focusing on learning and growing. Every stage down the road, everything will get better, and you will make it in. The success will come that you’re looking for, and the success will come that you’re fighting for later on down the road, whether you realize it or not.

And so it’s going to be okay. And this is me telling you it’s going to be okay, and I don’t know. I just think it’s important to reiterate, because I think this is one part of the entrepreneurial journey that nobody talks about. And it’s like, Hey, you own a business, and it’s glamorized. It’s like, okay, yeah, but I was also didn’t know what I was doing, and I was an idiot. Now I got a Harvard degree in stupidity, but man, did it cost a lot of things. Did it actually cost a lot of things in my life, and it was really good for me.

Anyways, guys, that’s it for today. I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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