Ep. 466 – What Productivity Is Not


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, welcome back to five minute rants.

Well, guys, today I want to talk to you guys about productivity. One of the ways that I’ve really measured productivity has simply been this. I am busy and I’m doing work, thus I am productive. And it’s interesting how oftentimes we will, we will tie productivity to a feeling and to a sense of accomplishment, rather than actual true measurement. And this is what I mean by that.

True measurement is where you are actually measuring real time objectives and tasks within whatever you’re doing. For instance, I want to start a company, and I want to go to 25 customers, and then you begin measuring the task and the decisions, and you tie them back to actually acquiring the 25 customers in the company, whatever it is that you’re going to do. And if you do not measure like that, you are actually not going to be able to determine whether you’re actually productive, whether the decisions you’re making produce efficiencies and produce results, or whether the actions you’re taking produce efficiencies or produce results.

And the reason why I’m saying efficiencies is this, one of the goals of productivity is to be efficient in the completion of the objective from whatever you’re doing. And if you don’t really truly measure like that, you’re not going to actually know if you’re being productive. Because here’s the thing, you can do all the wrong work, and 90% of the work that oftentimes we do is the wrong work. And if you’ve, if you’ve ever actually worked with a team, it this is true there too, because most of the team will be lost in the work that needs to be done, and there’s only a few people that are actually accomplishing work to move the task forward.

And this even comes back to the 80/20 rule, and the 80/20 principle, which is 80% of your results come from 20% of the work you do, which means that the other 80% of the work you’re doing isn’t actually productive. And the reason why I’m moving this up to 90% and not just keeping it at the 8020 is because if you can actually focus on 10% of your work, which is most likely going to be the most important task and type of work that you can do in that moment, productivity is going to explode across the board. You’re going to be able to actually grow the things you need to grow and do the things that you need to do within the company. And you’re actually going to be able to move forward in the company, in the company, move forward the way it should.

It’s so important to actually look at things this way, okay? And for an example of this is if you are actually building a business, and the business is based off of graphic design, or if the business is based off of this, like you started business, let’s go to plumbing. Plumbing is a better example, because I’ve used that a bunch. So you’re a plumber, and you got your certifications, and you’re gonna do business, so you can do all the bookkeeping, the bookkeeping, the accounting, you’re gonna do the phones and answering all the phones, and then you’re actually gonna do the plumbing work. Well, what you do to be the most productive is begin assigning out the tasks to other people that don’t make you money, but that allow you to make more money.

So for an example of this, that is doing the plumbing. So you’re actually the guy and the expert who’s going into the customer’s homes to fix their issues and to do the plumbing and to work that way, and that is actually how you be most productive, is begin removing all the other work that isn’t making you money, but is necessary work for the company to live and has money implications a couple steps removed. Doing that allows you to be more productive. This is actually how we built my wife’s law firm.

Hey, you’re the means of production in terms of generating revenue with a skill set that you have. This is the core piece that is central to everything. And then let’s begin parsing out every other piece in the business that is not directly related to making money or generating revenue, but it’s correlated with it, right? Happy customers, that’s directly correlated to generating revenue, good customer service directly correlated to generating revenue, but is not the key thing to generating revenue.

So all that being said is productivity, oftentimes, is not what you think it is. And there’s a lot of lazy people who are extremely busy. I was one of them, and had to learn this lesson along the way. And it’s really important to see that that is not productivity. Just because I’m busy, I can do all the wrong work and run with all the wrong work, and then not actually be doing the work that is required to produce the results that are needed in order to move forward in life.

This is the same thing with relationships. Oftentimes, people work on all the wrong things in a relationship versus all the things and all the right things that they should.

Anyways, guys, I don’t have time, so I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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