Ep. 469 – Looking From The Outside In


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Episode Transcript

What’s up guys, welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back, guys.

Well, today I actually want to talk about a few things that have recently happened. Want to talk about sight. So let me start off with a story. We just hired a new team member. She’s amazing. She knows who she is because she can hear me talking about her as she is working with me. She’s actually working on editing and things just for, just for the podcast, right? And for helping us produce content, helping me produce content get the story out there. So she’s helping on all this.

When we hired her, one of the first things, you know, as she’s talking about, she joins the team, she comes on, and then one of the first things she starts talking to Andrew about, with stuff for how to deliver the content, are all these things that are wrong. She’s got a lot of critique, and it’s amazing. And here’s why it is amazing. I’m inundated with doing this. I’m inundated with the discipline. I’m inundate with just pushing record, thinking about what I gotta say, thinking about thinking about what I got to talk about.

And here she is coming from the outside, and she has a whole perspective on what is happening. She has a whole perspective on the delivery. She has a whole perspective on the content. She has a whole perspective on everything that’s currently happening with the five minute rants. And she comes in with fresh eyes on everything. And one of the things that she said is, like, you look down a lot. So if you’re actually watching this on social, you’ll notice that I’m really trying hard not to look down. But that feedback is really important. And the reason why that feedback is really important is she is literally giving us the next steps on all the things we need to improve.

And here’s the reason why I’m saying all this. The point of this is if you do not have the humility to listen and to receive criticism, you’re not going to change and improve. Improvement is primarily based on feedback feedbacks, critique, feedbacks, criticism, feedbacks, correction, some of the best things in your life that ever happened to you, and some of the most monumental lives, life changes that you’ve ever had have come from correction. And what that is is you, all of a sudden have an epiphany and realize that you’ve believed something wrong your whole life, or have thought about something wrong your whole life, or have perceived things wrong. That’s correction, and it brings such an amazing ability to move forward. It brings life. It brings so many amazing things.

And so anyways, with all the improvement, with all of the suggestions and changes, everything that we’re doing on how to deliver the story, how the show is being produced, how everything’s going out, everything gets better. And then we all learn like, I’m learning things like, I’m learning things about like, Hey, you look down a lot. You should look at the camera more, or wherever you’re looking. I don’t really look at the camera. I look off to the side. And you should do these things. And the reason why is because of it’s more connective. It helps delivery, it helps this. And it’s like, wow. And the point of this is this, if you got the humility to receive and learn, you can share it with people.

If you have the humility to actually grow and to receive correction, to receive input, critique, feedback, whatever you want to call it, there’s 100 ways to call it, to make it softer or harder. If you receive that and you receive those things, then at that point, you’re actually able to help serve other people. Because if you’re unwilling to change, how are you going to help others change? How are you going to guide them on a journey?

Because here’s the other thing, you’re not in charge of them changing. You’re not in charge of anybody changing. You’re not in charge of anybody doing anything but yourself. You can only control your own thoughts, your own emotions, your own actions, your own decisions. That’s it. Everybody else is voluntary. If they listen to you, if you’re a leader and you’re a boss like it, well, let me back up, everybody’s a leader. But if you’re in a position of authority, everybody listens to you. It’s voluntary. They don’t have to, just throwing that out there. And so if you’re not willing to do it, you’re not going to help lead or guide other people in their journey to do it, because everybody’s on the same journey. Whether they actually try and strive to get the fullest amount out of that journey possible, it’s on them.

But if you want to guide people, if you want to help people, you got to go first. You always got to go first. Is lead by example, and that is a core belief of mine, is go first. Pay it forward first. Paying it forward first doesn’t mean just giving it means cool. I’ll go first. I’ll take the plunge first. We’ll do this first. I’ll do that first. I’ll go here, and I’ll run towards the fire, and I’ll run towards the problem, and I’ll face things first, and then we’ll talk about it.

And then when it’s your turn, cool, maybe I can be a part of that and help you. Maybe you want to have a conversation with me. I don’t know. We’ll see. And so all of that being said, all of that being said, thank you very much for the correction feedback you know who I’m talking about.

I will catch you guys next time. Peace.

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