Episode Transcript.
What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m guys, hope you’re doing good. Hope life’s treating you well.
So today, guys, I really, actually just want to talk about building for the future. And really, what I want to talk about is just really share, like, some of my ideas and heart behind what I’m doing and why I’m doing it. And Andrew talked to me about this, and he was like, Hey, man, I think it’d be really good if you shared more just about why we’re doing some of the things we are and just some of the ideas in the box and and things I like to implement.
And one of the things that I want to talk about first was when Andrew and I started the company, when we started the business, we really wanted to do business differently. And both of us had jobs previously, and we created from that, from from just prior work experience, a list of things, of what we wanted the company to be, and what we didn’t want the company to be, and we really wanted the company to be a place for people. When they come and they are a part of the team, their lives are better because of it. It’s interesting because I think most of us just work for money, and I think that that just working for money is really unfulfilling and fruitless.
There’s so much more to life than just money, right? You have impact. You have purpose. There’s so much more than just money. And I think as a result, society and culture has really because of as as a result of society and culture just focusing on earning money and money being the end all and be all. I think a lot of the greater good for life has been lost. And so Andrew and I, one of the things that we’ve really want to do is really create a place where people can come and we help facilitate them accomplishing their dreams in their personal life, whatever that is, right?
And we’ve walked through a whole process of, okay, cool. We when people come on board, we go through a whole discovery process to really understand why they’re here, to really understand what they want to accomplish in life, to really understand who they are, what they love, know, learn about their families. And we walk through all this, and that is actually one of the best parts of the job, and one of the best parts personally for me, getting involved in learning just about other people, because at the end of the day, and I’ve said this a lot, that business is all about people, and if you forget the people, then you really don’t have business at all.
And you can look at a lot of tactics to where there’s greed, there’s addiction to making money, right? It’s interesting to me how people can become addicted to making money and just playing the game, and then that the moral character is gone.
I was listening to a podcast, and I listen, read several things, but like, I don’t remember who said it, but they were talking about the 80s, and that in the 80s, it was all about the cool job you had, how it’s going to change society, how it’s going to help shape the world. And that’s what drove the 80s. And then at some point in the 90s and 2000s everything became about money. And it’s interesting, because money, in just pursuing money, it seems to corrode. Greed is one of the most corrosive, corrosive heart positions that you can have personally, because when you’re greedy and you’re just running after money, it’s like, what do you sacrifice morally? like, what do you what do you sacrifice to get there?
I listen to Dan Martel, and he talked to me that he didn’t talk to me personally, but he was talking just about what what it cost him when he first started, and things that like were costly, right? You’ve listened to so many businessmen that when you’re just running after success and money and time just goes, your family goes, all these things that are actually really valuable at the end of the day that you’re going to want you lose when you’re just focusing on money.
And I’m not saying you don’t have to pay bills. I’m not saying that you don’t have to actually think about your future plan like I’m I’m a big proponent of all that. However, I think that there is a cost balance analysis that needs to be done, and really to just factor in things. But I think if you’re making money at the expense of really losing out on the things that matter most to you in life, it’s a losing game, like you’re not winning anything.
Like money is not going to buy you a family. Money is not gonna buy you good relationships, right? And there’s a proverb that says, you know, when you’re rich, you have a lot of friends, but when you’re poor, you have few friends. And that can be taken two ways. One, like a lot of people teach your network as your net worth, but then also, on the flip side, when you got a lot of money, everybody. Wants to be your friend in that that point, are they really your friends?
So anyways, that’s it, guys. I’ll catch you later. Peace.