Episode Transcript
What’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m.
So honestly, I really think some of the hardest work to do is actually the planning. It’s so easy to just do task. It’s so easy to just start whatever job you’re looking to do, or whatever project, and it’s actually really hard to plan. I think that strategy and critical thinking honestly are just really gone, and it’s very easily lost, where we just start doing things like, Oh, awesome. We have a client. They just hired us. We’re gonna do it, and then we get to work. Well, now we’ve got three of those projects on board, and it’s like we don’t know what’s being done, what’s not being done. And how do you know that? How do you actually know what is being done? You have a plan. You have everything listed out, everything ‘s broken down the way it needs to be. There ‘s order, and then you have a way to actually check in and see It’s interesting because, because you actually have no way to measure or look at if the works being done, if you don’t actually have a plan.
And more often than not, we don’t want to plan. Planning is actually pretty difficult. And in terms of, okay, cool, it just takes discipline. I mean, honestly, it’s it’s easy to think through things. It’s just the self discipline to do it and the self discipline to do the boring part, but it’s the most important part of the job. Andrew and I talked, this was prior to Christmas, back in December, and we were talking about how it’s so important to actually, really, just honestly planned and mark out all the steps and all the processes for just any client work, and then our own internal work.
And we actually sat down and began analyzing what we currently have in place, and then things that need to be built next. And it’s it’s not always fun, it’s pretty boring and it’s pretty simple oftentimes, and oftentimes it feels really dumb, like, man, we just need to get a move on on this. And so as a result, we don’t actually prioritize the work we need to do. And then, as a result, we’re hurt long term, because, you know, we don’t actually have a plan to accomplish the work.
It’s really interesting how that transcends most everything we do in life. I’ve been a part of so many projects, and this is back when, before I owned anything or started my entrepreneurial journey, but we had started on so many projects where we would have a 20% plan, and it’s better than anybody ‘s ever done, right? It’s the most plan that’s ever been and is like, Yes, this is amazing. Then you get into the project, you realize, oh, only 20% is mapped out, and then all of a sudden, life is hell later.
I think it’s the small things like that, like, cool, like, you don’t have the most important part of the job done. It’s that small thing that actually ends up destroying companies from the inside out. Like, it’s the little things that actually end up making room for air and failure, because it’s it’s really simple. How are you going to keep the client happy if you don’t have a plan to accomplish the work, how are you actually going to be like, Hey, we did the job. If you don’t have a plan, how are you going to actually say, this is how it all fits together.
And if you look at how anything in life is really done well, and if you really want quality, you have to plan if you want speed, actually, you got to plan too whether you think you do or not. Because if you want speed, plan is the fastest way to do it. Because the moment you begin putting projects together without a plan, when you do it willy nilly, guess what? You’re going to have to backtrack on, you’re going to have to undo work, and you have to correct mistakes, and then you’re going to have to have to go back and redo work that was really done out of necessity for speed, and then, as a result, everything ‘s breaking.
It’s amazing how, if you really want speed, you plan, if you really want quality, you plan, and if you really want quality to intersect with speed, okay, you plan. And that’s really how you manage both, and especially when doing any sort of technical work, you actually need a plan, because the moment you get down into the weeds, man, you get lost so easy in all the details of what about this? What about this?
And because you don’t have a map, it’s like being dropped off in the middle of the wilderness somewhere, and then you don’t have a map, it’s like, cool. Find your way home. You don’t know what continent you’re on, you don’t know what, what, what forest you’re in, you don’t know what mountain top you’re on. How are you going to find your way home? You’re not and so it’s like really having that map that really outlines all the things that need to be done in the project. So you know exactly what needs to be done. You know exactly who needs to do it. You know exactly when it’s done by that’s one of the most important parts. And most, most of us don’t do this. Most of us, we are shippers, which means we just go into a reactionary mode. Let me just start doing things. And doing things is the easiest thing to do, and it’s also one of the worst things to do.
Anyways, I’ll catch you guys later. Peace.