Ep. 532 – Selling Yourself Short


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Episode Transcript.

What’s up, guys, welcome back to THE a.m

So want to talk about how it’s really interesting that we will sell our are really our reputation for money or for for other things, and essentially we sell ourselves out. I was just talking to somebody the other day, and one things that we were talking about was where the practices within the business and within that industry, where the industry gets a really bad rep, and the service providers get a really bad rep because just of the lack of keeping promises, the lack of poor service, the lack of that.

What ‘s happened, essentially, is not only have the service providers gotten a bad reputation because they choose to either short sell themselves or not keep promises, but also now the whole industry ‘s got a bad reputation. I mean, if you think about used car salesman that car salesman, that’s what it’s like. Oh yeah, let me sell you used car. Let me haggle you to get the most out of you, and then I’m selling you something that’s not even worth buying in the first place, as more problems or not. And the reason why I’m bringing this up is I think the fear of not, not, excuse me, not the fear. But I really think the value of your name and your reputation is worth so much more than money.

It’s worth so much more than just cool. Let me just make a quick buck and do what I need to do, and then move on. And the thing about this is we often value the wrong thing. So money is a tool right, money, money, the purpose of money is to help create transactions. Help create transactions, and then is just a simple value tool. So it’s a universal value system. That’s it.

And as a result, we place more value on that than we do on our reputation. We place more value on that than we do our families. We place more value on that than we do the things that are more important in our lives. We place more value in that than we do with our relationship with the Lord. And it’s so interesting, because when we do that, everything just gets turned upside down.

It’s amazing. I’ve talked about this before, but it’s amazing how corrosive greed is. And talking with this lady, going back to that, it’s amazing how it’s, oh, I need the work. I need the work. Hey, you know what? I’ll under bid. And because I under bid, because I need the work, and I’m so focused on the money, I’m not gonna be able to serve you properly or actually complete the job. And then, as a result, my name and my company becomes tarnished. And then that continues to happen to such a point that the whole industry is tarnished. Isn’t that crazy? Isn’t that crazy thing about the whole industry is tarnished?

And so all that being said is it’s amazing to think about how small choices like that, and small choices to not value the right thing, small choices to not make hard decisions in the moment when they count how you undersell everything. And I think selling yourself out is one of the bigger problems that that really more people have than they realize. Like, what have you sold yourself out for? What are you selling yourself out for? Right? What is it? What are you doing that is hurting you long term, that’s hurting the people around you, and that you just simply haven’t said no to.

And it may not be like, obvious, right? It may not be huge things, but for instance, you know you’re not really getting your weight under control, right? But yet, you’ve got children, and as a result, it’s like, Well, are you going to live as long as you possibly could, to be with them and be in their lives. Or are you actually keeping your promises as a partner in a business? Are you doing the things that need to be done, like when you say you will do this, will you do that right? Will you follow through with your word when you’ve told yourself, hey, I’m going to do this? Do you sell yourself out and not do it right? When you said, Hey, I’m going to get up in the morning, I’m going to start waking up early, or I’m going to waking up early, or I’m gonna start making my bed. And then do you sell yourself out not do it?

And it’s amazing how much that we do this, and it’s amazing how much that we’ll go to work when a boss tells us to wake up. We’ll go to work when somebody else tells us to, but we won’t go when we are the ones telling ourselves to. And I think that’s backwards, and I think that’s broken. I think it should matter when you say that, hey, this is what I’m going to do, and then it, it should matter more that you actually follow through and do it because you said it. You said this is what you’re going to do, and there’s the wrong music guys for the outro. This is what happens when you run everything. But anyways, we’ll still ship this.

But anyways, the point is, is it really matters. It really matters what you say. It really matters that your voice counts in your life, and then that you’re honest to yourself first and foremost, and you’re not selling yourself short, because that trickles into everything else, the small disciplines that you. Have that you tell yourself you’re gonna do, it goes over to everything else in your life. It spills over. And that’s how it always works.

Anyways, guys, I’ll catch you later. Peace.

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