Ep. 22 – The Most Important Ingredient For Startups – Robert Hays


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:08
Welcome, welcome, welcome guys. Welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome to 5 Minute Rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome to the show where we talk about anything and everything predicated on the journey of life, and business. And I got a special guest today, Robert Hayes.

Robert Hays 0:28
Hey guys, how’s it going?

Michael Abernathy 0:31
What’s up, bro?

Robert Hays 0:32
Not much Man here with you grooving and dancing to this music. It’s great music.

Michael Abernathy 0:37
Thank you. I appreciate that.

Robert Hays 0:38
Almost sort of singing to it, too.

Michael Abernathy 0:41
I think life is way better with good music.

Robert Hays 0:44
My Totally agree.

Michael Abernathy 0:46
So Just to give you guys some background on Robert Hayes, his business partner spoke earlier on one of our earlier episodes, Jonathan Brandon. Robert is also one of the co-founders of Yes! Coffee. So I figured I’d have him on here. So you guys could hear his perspective, and understand part of where he’s coming from as a startup founder and as a leader. So Robert, real quick, what is the most important ingredient for success to have as a founder of a startup?

Robert Hays 1:14
Cool, I think the most important ingredient is the community of people that you have. Because like the community, people that you have around, you, really sets up the success or failure of your trajectory. I mean, you have your own personal, you know, goals and traits and attributes. But like, if you have somebody else that adds to that attribute, you know, or as to like, the goal of, like, say Yes! Coffee. it totally helps, you know. So like you, Michael as a part of our team. And Michael, being a part of our life, part of my life has like helped with, you know to have more integrity, more consistency, and just like, you know, having you in my life has been awesome, you know, so.

Michael Abernathy 2:00
It’s mutual.

Robert Hays 2:01
Yeah, it’s great. But like our community together, like, it’s really important.

Michael Abernathy 2:07
I agree with that. I think people are more important than money, and people are more important than deals. Not Just because connections bring value, but also that person’s values greater than that.

Robert Hays 2:19
Yeah. Yeah. I mean, like, even thinking about money, like, it’s just a tool. And like, I have done this, and I think we as a society just focus on money. As like, you know, if I have money, then I can attain something. But like, that’s not really it. It’s, you know, that’s why we do Yes! it’s because like, one, I love coffee, two I love Jonathan, and three I love going around, and just trying different coffee shops and doing coffee adventures and stuff like that. It is just so much fun. But doing it with people, if I was just by myself, it wouldn’t be as fun if I didn’t have the people in my life.

That makes sense.


Michael Abernathy 2:55
So it’s not just the added value of production, or the added value of teamwork. It’s actually the added value of sharing your life experiences and life journey with somebody else.

Robert Hays 3:06
Right? I mean, why do you think we put it online?

Michael Abernathy 3:08
That’s true. I agree that. That’s true. Well, you mentioned consistency. Bro, why is consistency important?

Robert Hays 3:15
Consistency is important, because, like, so we’re making videos. If we’re not consistently making them day in day out, especially with, you know, YouTube’s algorithm, and all that stuff. Like, it’s important that we continue to pump out things. So consistency means like, how I’m waking up, how I’m, going throughout my day, how I’m making content, like, you know, if I’m showing up and just trying something, the next time if I’m being consistent with it, it’ll just, you know, get better or change. Does that make sense?

Michael Abernathy 3:52
Yeah, it sounds like what you’re saying is consistency, one bleeds over into every area of your life, and then two, consistency seems to be the doorway for improvement and growth.

Robert Hays 4:02
Yeah, exactly.

Michael Abernathy 4:03
Is that a good summary?

Robert Hays 4:04
Yeah, I think so. Aometimes my words can go off the wall. You know.

Michael Abernathy 4:11
That’s great. I love it. No, I love it. Real quick with our last minute, really 45 seconds, hit integrity real quick.

Robert Hays 4:19
Hit Integrity?

Michael Abernathy 4:20
Yeah, why is it important? Because you mentioned that one too.

Robert Hays 4:22
Yeah, I did. Um, so integrity. If you don’t, if you’re doing stuff with consistency, if you don’t have integrity, then like, oh, man, I’m sorry. I’m struggling on this one.

Michael Abernathy 4:35
No. It’s the time crunch it’s the pressure!

Robert Hays 4:37
It is! It’s the Pressure! But, being filled with integrity means that you’re going to finish well, you know, you’re gonna finish something, that you want to have happen, you know?

Michael Abernathy 4:51
That’s true. No, that’s a great… I really think that’s a great take on it. And I’m gonna run over it’s just gonna happen because most people think oh don’t lie being integrity is don’t lie, but it’s like no having integrity means having, like from what you’re saying, and you correct me if I’m wrong. Having that faithfulness, to follow through with completion to where you don’t just start let the projects fall apart.

Robert Hays 5:15

Michael Abernathy 5:16
Wow. Yeah, that’s really good. well, listen, we’re out of time. Go ahead, say goodbye, bro.

Robert Hays 5:21
Bye, guys!

Michael Abernathy 5:22
And we’ll catch you guys later. Have a great day everybody be blessed!

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