Ep. 39 – Self Principles


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Episode Transcript

Michael Abernathy 0:00
Hey what’s up everybody? Welcome back to THE a.m. guys! Welcome back to 5 Minute Rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. Welcome back to the show where we talk about anything and everything predicated on the journey of life in business. I hope you’re doing well and hope life is treating you good. Let’s go ahead and jump straight in.

So, last episode, I talked about how heart and attitude when long term. Seems to be they win long term, every time over IQ, and it really kind of started me down this thought process of what I’m going to call self principles. And principles are not rules, but I think they’re pillars to life. And I’m going to define these as internal principles that you live your life by. And I think they’re… This isn’t fully fleshed out yet, but I still want to talk about it. So we’re just gonna call them self principles, and so for instance, one of them, I believe, is really having heart, having attitude, patience, compassion, having interdependence, having confidence. And the reason why I’m saying these is because these are pillars in life, that I believe need to be built in us, by us to really move forward. To really grow, to really be successful in whatever we’re doing.

I really believe life is very much like building a house, you have a foundation, you’ve got walls. And it is really important that whatever you build your house with, are materials that lasts. It’s not just like wood, hay, stubble, sticks, stones, all this other stuff. It’s actually things that are worthwhile in your life. And so going back to the heart and attitude, I think that’s really worthwhile. Because great, you’re not so hot at school, awesome. It doesn’t matter heart and attitude. really win above IQ above just general, you know, book smarts, okay?

The same thing with patience. Patience wins, like every time, cool, you don’t have it right now. Awesome. That really, honestly doesn’t matter. You don’t have it right now, but it is coming. And if you keep working and keep moving forward, there’s no way that it’s not going to come. Sure you are going to have to change along the way in the journey. Sure, you’re going to have to let go of things you want. But that’s like the best part about life. I mean, that’s about one of the best parts of life is to let go of what you want.

Like I think, no, is another pillar or self principle to develop in our lives, like saying no. It feels so good to say no, and to get out of debt, credit card debt, home debt. It feels so good to say no to the bread to the milk to the food. And then to go down that journey to be healthy and love yourself and take care of yourself. It feels good to say no, and to be faithful to your marriage partner and not run off into adultery, or those things. It feels good to do that.

And, I’m saying this because I think these are things that should be developed in us. Like having self control is one of those principles, in other words, saying no. Being confident, why, and how do you be confident? You really choose to love who you are, faults included. That’s one of those self principles that I think should be developed in us. And we can deep dive into all these things later.

The point of why I’m talking about this is because life I really believe is like a house. Your life personally, my life personally. And it’s really about building up each area, each function, and each room. Yeah, you got the framing of the house, you got the electrical work, you got the plumbing, you got the drywall, you got the paint, you got the interior design, and each of those things is worthwhile investing in. And a really good friend of mine, and my business mentor told me the best investment I’ll ever make is in myself. And you’ll have probably heard that so much. And probably think it’s super cheesy, but it’s really true.

And so the self principles or even pillars, I think they could be called that, are so important to invest in. And I think even to raise our kids this way. It is especially like talking to young adults and teenagers like knowing that like school is not the end all be all of everything. Getting 100 on the test cool. It actually doesn’t mean you’re the smartest person in the classroom, you could just be better at memorizing other people could be more creative in certain ways. School breaks more often than not across the board. And I’m not I’m not I’m not bashing any of our teachers. It’s the system that is actually breaking across the board because it doesn’t serve the way it should, because people are very different.

And so anyways, I think looking back into building the self principles would even be more important than, you know moving forward and just being like, yes, you’re an awesome student, but you know what, you’re really a jerk to all your classmates and friends and you know have any friends. I don’t know? I think that’s a loss. Oh, you don’t have a network because nobody wants to be around you. Oh, you lie. But you know what you get hundreds on all your tests. I think that’s broken, but that’s how we measure things a lot.

So anyways, just throwing that out there for y’all to think about. It’s something I haven’t fully fleshed out but that’s part of the process. And that’s part of the fun. Anyways guys, I’ll catch you later. Peace!

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