Ep. 49 – Opportunity


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome to THE a.m. Welcome to 5 Minute Rants guys. Welcome to the show that is predicated on the journey of life and business. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And I hope you all have had a fantastic day.

So I actually wanted to talk about opportunity today. I think, going back to the timing episode, if you’ve listened to that, I think that timing and opportunity go hand in hand. Oftentimes, we miss opportunities in life to move forward, to succeed, or that chance of a lifetime, that actually occurs every day. But we miss it because we don’t see opportunity correctly. The way that opportunity normally presents itself, honestly, is through pain problems, discomfort, or the unknown. And what that means is I’m unfamiliar with what is right in front of me and as a result, which is in the unknown by the way, is more scary to us than problems or discomfort. And we are very afraid as people of the unknown, we just don’t like it. I like the consistency.

That’s why Starbucks is so successful. You go to any Starbucks in the world, whether it’s Japan, Korea, back to America, Canada, wherever it is, does not matter. You have consistency. And you have the same drinks all across the board. And so anyways, and I mean, I know they’re variations, but it’s, it’s Starbucks, you know what to expect. And we like that, we like the consistency. And so oftentimes, we actually miss opportunity for success, whether it’s a promotion at work, whether it’s moving into a new stream of income in the company, whether it’s creating or building things, because opportunity often presents itself as the unknown. It’s something we don’t know how to deal with, we don’t know how to do. And as a result, we just let it pass us by. And so we view that wrongly, we view problems wrongly.

Problems, every time you have a problem in life, it’s not an opportunity for defeat or failure. It’s not like just pain is going to come directly your way. It’s actually life presenting you with a doorway, to win. In whatever area of life that is, whether it’s marriage, whether it’s buying a home, whether it’s doing yard work, whether it’s learning, whether it’s gaining a new skill set at your work, your job, whether it’s starting a company, whether it’s finding the company that you want in the place that you love to be at and would like to work at for the rest of your life and getting out of a job you’re miserable at. It’s normally going to present itself in a form or fashion that is discomforting or uncomfortable. And that is how you honestly recognize a lot of opportunity.

Opportunity always cost you something. And with cost there’s uncomfortability. I mean, think about it, like you go out and buy… Let’s just say you buy a brand new MacBook, you’re dropping 2k, right? Well, for a lot of people, that’s really discomforting, but the opportunity it provides to you ,if you don’t have a computer, to connect with internet, to do work, to get a side hustle on, to learn, to educate yourself, or to waste time whenever you like to do it has presented itself to you, and is something that is discomforting. You got to spend money, right? And that’s just an example of how opportunity presents itself.

For instance, like oftentimes getting a job and working at some place to move into your dream job and to move into the place you’ll be happy with, doing that stepping stone job, that’s the opportunity to get the dream job. And I’m not saying you stay there like I am a big proponent of doing what you love, and being passionate about what you love. Because if you do what you love, you’re going to be sold out and do the best job that you possibly could for whoever you’re working for. Whether it’s yourself or somebody else. And the opportunity to get there oftentimes normally requires discomfort, it normally requires pain it, normally brings up problems, and then problems are put right in front of us and those are the opportunities to walk through. Those are the doorways.

And we honestly don’t know how to handle discomfort whether it’s emotional, physical or mental. And as a result we miss opportunities constantly. And I had somebody tell me once that you cannot be a peacekeeper peace is either made and created or it is lost. And that is a very true statement. You are either making peace in your life and you’re moving through those doors of opportunity or you just continue to miss and then experience the discomfort that comes with it too because it seems like you’re stuck.

So anyways guys, that being said, look at problems differently have a different perspective about them and don’t let your context filter things the wrong way for you. And if you don’t know what I’m talking about, go back and listen to last episode.

Anyways, I’ll catch you guys later. Peace!

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