Ep. 50 – Quick Thoughts On Education


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up, everybody? Welcome back, guys, welcome back to THE a.m. Welcome back to five minute rants, everybody, where we talk about anything and everything predicated on the journey of life and business.

I hope you’re doing well. Anyways, guys, for today’s rant, I just wanted to talk about my thoughts on education, I’ve really been thinking a good bit about this. Education is great. But what I’m trying to get to is the realization that education doesn’t actually teach you how to navigate life. And I think that we often place too much emphasis on education as a key indicator of who is going to be successful and who isn’t, now don’t get me wrong, there are lots of statistics out there. And there are lots, there’s lots of data out there saying that education is great. And also that it is actually really helpful in your life. And it’s really important to have, but What I’m trying to talk about is really the concept of the education as a foundation. And from that foundation, you actually move forward in life and education has failed in a lot of ways, like the school system, and the educational system that we have currently in the US, doesn’t teach you how to use money, invest money doesn’t teach you anything about taxes, it doesn’t teach you anything financially from that side. What it does really well is it teaches you to read, it teaches you how to write, and it teaches you math. And those are all foundational aspects in order to navigate life.

So in my journey, and especially in business, it is really a journey that is not mapped out well. And it’s also turning that it’s not just a, Hey, do steps 123. And you’ll get a, b and c, right? It’s a journey that really requires constant improvement. It’s a journey that really requires constant thinking, and curiosity to change and grow. It’s a journey that requires constant research. And it’s a journey that just isn’t a multiple choice test, right? It’s not just what answer is this equation telling me that I should get? Or what’s the correct answer A, B, C, or D. And I think that oftentimes, we’ve looked at education wrongly, like it’s the pinnacle, and it’s the end all be all, and not education but the educational system is the pinnacle of all of society. It’s the end all and be all of all of society. When it honestly it’s really not like I heard a quote from somebody, like I can read, I can self educate myself in areas that I need to, right?

I think that’s so important, and I’m thinking like, so I majored in history, right, a lot of good that degree did me in the workforce, you know, that’s part of the Harvard degree of stupidity, I can talk about that later. But part of What history really put out for me and really did was realizing, back in historical times, you know, the 1600s, the 1400, the 1200s, all of that reading and writing was a big deal. And if you could read and write, you’re an educated person. And if you could read and write the whole goal behind that was actually self education, and self learning to help propel you on your journey in life and how you’re going to do things.

So I think like we view education, wrongly, we view it as the end all be all. And honestly, there’s that saying that those who teach can’t do and that’s really true in a lot of ways and in a lot of aspects, I was actually just talking to somebody, they’re in college, and they’re talking about majoring in Business Administration and they’re saying the best teachers they have actually are full time business administrators that work for a company and actually do this on their own or on their own company to do this with. And then they just come in to teach to give back to the community versus the teachers that have never done it.

This student, the way this student came to realize this was that she actually is a business administrator currently in a company, in a very successful company. And so being able to look at that and compare and go, Wow, the educational system is not this elite pinnacle. And I’m bringing this up, because what we’re going to watch happen over the next 10 years. And What I believe we’re going to watch happen over the next 10 years is the educational system radically change and transition.

I think corporate is going to get involved in a lot like businesses are and not not in the sense that you may think like, hey, they’re building schools, they’re going to have all the schools and all these things. It’s not going to be that it’s going to be more from the side of cool, you’ve got a high school degree? Cool, you’ve got a job under your belt, come work for us, we’ll teach you everything you need to know. And I think that’s where corporate is going a lot and where businesses are going like Google already started this a long time ago and has been doing this.

I just think it’s just a different viewpoint to really see education and I’m not saying it’s bad, like I really think people need to go to school. I think it’s vital and I think our school system could be better we’re not talking about that. We’re just talking about how I think we view it wrongly as the end all and be all of everything.

So anyway guys, that’s it and I will catch you guys on the flip side peace

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  1. An interesting rant. The flip of side of thinking that education as the US now practices it, is that it has left a gaping hole in
    the artisanal professions.( My roofer roofed into his 70s…he could never get assistants, so sponsored one a year from countries in Africa. ) Try finding an electrician, a plumber…esp in urban areas.
    Not everybody was cut out to go to college, nor should they.
    And colleges and universities have become wealthy corporations themselves…