Ep. 53 – Can Do or Want To


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Episode Transcript

What’s up? What’s up? What’s up, guys? Welcome back to THE a.m everybody. Welcome back to five minute rants. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome back to the show predicated on the journey of life and business.

Well, guys, for today’s episode, I really want to talk about can do or want to my business partner and I, Andrew, some of you may have heard him on the show a couple days ago, one of the things that we were talking about is everybody has dreams, and everybody has aspirations. Everybody wants to be something. I mean, this starts from early childhood, go ask any child go ask any kid about What they want to be when they grew up, and they’ll normally have an answer for you.

And they normally want to be something cool, or something great, right? I don’t think anybody wants to be mediocre. And we can talk about that later. Because I think the way we measure greatness and mediocracy is really broken in society. But we can talk about that later. Right now What I want to talk about is can do or want to.

So going back to those dreams, everybody has dreams, and everybody has aspirations. And Here’s the other thing, everybody wants to do something, whatever it is, whatever that aspiration is, and we’re not going to talk whether that aspiration is good, bad, none of that stuff, we’re just talking about that everybody wants this. And it’s never a question of, Do I want it? What it is, is a question of, can I do it? And the answer is, yes. Yes, most of us do not believe that we can do it. Most of us don’t believe that What we actually want in life is possible because we don’t have belief.

So part of my journey has really been getting healed from low self esteem. It’s really interesting, statistically, most high performers in life actually have low self esteem. And that’s why the high performers because they’re trying to make up for that. I’m proof in case of that, which is crazily interesting, because even talking to my friend group, when reading about some of that, they’re like, I never would have pegged you for it. But really being honest with myself is like, wow, that is something that really had to change in my life.

Anyways, going back to this, it’s not a question of do you want to do it, it’s a question of can you do it. And the answer is, yes. If you really put your mind to it, and you really want to do something, you can do it. And it doesn’t matter where you come from in life. And I want to say this very strongly, because my business partner and I started with nothing, no money in the bank accounts. We were poor as dirt. And it was just cool, we want to do this, can we? And we both decided, yes, we can do this. And we have.

I’m saying this because it’s the same thing for you. If you have a dream, or you have an aspiration, and there’s something in life that you want to do, you can do it, it just requires a couple of things, one humility to be wrong. Because if you’ve never done it before, you’re going to fail several times, and then two endurance, don’t quit. You may have to change tactics, you may have to change how you get there. But it doesn’t matter. Just don’t quit, keep pushing forward. And if you choose to have the humility to learn and grow, when you’re wrong, or when you fail, and you choose to have the endurance not to quit, there’s no way that you’re not going to make it.

The biggest thing and the biggest reason for failure in our lives is because normally we just simply give up because when it becomes hard, we just want to avoid it or quit. And so it just really comes back to can you do it? Yes, you really can. And so you just must believe in yourself, and you got to believe that you can do it.

And it’s interesting, I’m talking about this today, because it’s really just been something my business partner and I have talked so much about, so much about. And I think there’s a lot of people who don’t believe they can or they don’t believe they’re good enough. And they don’t believe that this is actually possible. It doesn’t matter. You don’t need the skill set. You don’t need to learn the coding. You don’t need to learn how to sell like, yes, those skills are important. But they will come if you just start going down the journey.

Me and my business partner just talked about a new offering we want to build and get into things. And the biggest thing we said is cool. We want to do this, can we? And it was a question of Yeah, we totally can. What do we do? Let’s just start. And so we just started shipping things. And it has become public. But we started building things and shipping and we have no idea What we’re currently building it because this is brand new.

I’m saying this because you can do whatever you want to do. You just have to believe in yourself enough and then you have to not quit. And if you have like I said if you have the humility one of the number one things I found in business, everybody loves to answer questions, call somebody, call business people they’ll talk to you just show up and if they don’t want to talk to you either keep on knocking until they answer that door or go find somebody else to talk to. Most people will be willing to help and most people will be happy just for you to listen to them.

Anyways guys, hope you have a great day and I’ll catch you on the flip side peace

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