Ep. 55 – Speed


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome to Five Minute rants guys, welcome back to the AM. Welcome to the show predicated on the journey of live business. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And I hope you’re having a fantastic day.

So everybody today, I wanted to talk about speed. And I think that, at least in my life, I really think that speed has been one of the harder things to grasp. And Here’s why growing up, we often have that mindset. And that thought that everything happens quickly, and that everything happens radically fast, and it doesn’t. So, and if you think about it, businesses, and life changes occur slowly over time. And they’re the accumulation of multiple events. And they’re also the accumulation of the process and the journey over time. So if you think about like walking up a mountain, right, all of a sudden, you’re at the very top. And that’s when everything seems a very fast because the event just takes place, and boom, the entire journey is over. However, the walk up there was slow, the walk up, there was steady.

And I’m saying this because oftentimes we lose patience. And we lose sight of having patience, and keeping our head down and continuing to work and having the perseverance to continue to move forward. And the same thing happens in culture, the same thing happens in society change occurs slowly. And this is why a lot of people actually fail in business. By the way, change occurs slowly. And so as a result, feedback is slow. So you don’t know if you’ve made good decisions or bad decisions. And it’s harder to see the decision that’s made in the outcome that was produced from that decision, when the time for that feedback is elongated. So for instance, like you’re talking to customers, you’re talking to things in business and people in business, and you’re making sales, and you’re making decisions and just making moves. And oftentimes, you’re not going to receive feedback for a couple of weeks, maybe a couple months, maybe a year. And it’s hard to measure. And it’s hard to reflect at that point, it takes a lot more effort. But if you get good at reflecting over long periods of time, and you get good at reflecting and being able to see what’s in front of you based on past experiences, then at that point, life makes more sense. But a lot of this is because of the misnomer that life happens quickly.

And it’s so interesting, because as kids, everything moves slowly, unless you’re having fun. So think about school, school moves slowly, all the things that are journey, processed, moves slowly, they feel slowly until you get to that one event, like Christmas or a birthday, and everything is super fast. And everything is sped up. And then before you know it’s like oh cool, I’m not I can’t hang up my friend’s house anymore, because it’s dinnertime, and I gotta go home. And we expect all of life in business to be that way for some reason. And as a result, we often miss the mark in a lot of the things that we’re trying to accomplish and a lot of the things that we’re trying to do personally. And I believe that that’s also why we miss judge in miscalculate a lot of the decisions we’re going to make is because the speed that it takes to occur in our lives, the effect for that effect to take place in our lives, and we miscalculate a lot because of the speed and the timing. And so we miss time, a lot of things I was talking to, you know, just a few friends of mine the other day, and we were just talking about how change in business as changed so fast. Now AI is going to radically change things. And I said no, it’s going to be slow, because there’s not everybody’s going to be an early adapter. And not every business is going to adapt artificial intelligence immediately there are going to be some, but the cultural acceptance of the technology is also what’s going to slow the technology down, and how the technology is inducted into our lives and into society.

And so I really think that we often miss time things and we miss place things with speed. And we actually don’t have a right perspective of how time works and how society works. And so we often miss the mark a lot like timing, I really believe that timing is everything. And when it comes to business it is especially everything the right time, the right moments, when to talk to customers reach customers when to connect, when to pause. In all this is speed related like Beethoven, one of the most famous composers and music, classical music. What made him amazing was his use of pausing, which is a whole timing issue, a whole speed issue. Oftentimes we want to go fast to our own detriment In life is really moving slowly.

Anyways guys, thanks for listening key takeaway today, be patient and really gauge how fast you’re going. And I will catch you guys on the flip side peac

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