Ep. 66 – Desired Difficulty


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Episode Transcript

What’s up everybody? What’s up? What’s up? What’s up? Welcome back to THE a.m guys. Welcome back to five minute rants, the show that’s predicated on the journey of life and business. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And I sound like a flight attendant right now. Anyways, guys, welcome back to the show.

So guys, today, I wanted to talk about desired difficulty. And Here’s What I mean by that. I mean that there’s a heart position in me and in you, that looks for challenges, and looks for new places to challenge and improve ourselves. So an example of desire difficulty would be something to where you sit down, or I sit down, and we sit there and think about, hey, where do I want to grow and improve, and how can I grow and improve, I want to learn to cook, I don’t know how to cook, I don’t know how to use pots and pans. And so I’m going to challenge myself to learn something way outside of my skill set. My business partner and I talk about this all the time, I’m more on the visionary side, he is more on the technical and production side. And so part of our personal challenges to each other, as partners and as friends are to go towards each other side go into each other’s lanes, I make my way over to production and technical and he makes his way over into the vision and it forces us to grow. And it’s amazing. And I think we miss this a lot in life, we miss the personal challenges. And we actually have a tendency to avoid pain or to shy away from things that we’re uncomfortable with. Especially when it comes down to having zero knowledge or zero skill set about a subject or about a aspect in life.

I really think though the desire difficulty, and having desire difficulty in your life, constantly seeking out challenges, new things, learning new things is so important, not just for your mental capacity, and your mental health, but for your self confidence, for your self improvement for your heart, and just in general as a person, building up character, and building up just a better mindset about how life is because to be honest, life’s hard. There’s so many things in life that are just like cool. It seems unfair, this sucks and all these things. And that’s the truth of the matter. And so instead of shying away from hard things, why don’t you get better at doing hard things. And that’s kind of a mentality that my partner Andrew and I have had a lot is to really face our things, and choose to move forward into hard things. And then the hard things become much easier to overcome or much easier to face.

I think going back to desire difficulty, one of the best things that does for us as people is really build up huge self esteem. And then the next thing is because you’re stretching yourself, and you’re really moving forward to new areas, your ability to think, to see problems, and then to understand them is going to increase drastically. Because as you have desired difficulty, you’re going to have different perspectives and you’re going to be open to different perspectives of how to view problems, see them and overcome them. Because everything that you’ve done, and everything that you’ve learned is definitely applicable to whatever you’re currently doing now, the other thing about design difficulty that I think is really important, it really shows you how you confront challenges and how you confront problems, do you run towards them? Do you run away from them? Or do you freeze? And those are normally the three types of reactions that people have to challenges, to hardships or to fires. Do you run away from them? Do you run towards them? Or do you freeze? And I really believe that when you start having desire difficulty, and you start personally seeking out the challenges, it really helps you to run towards the fire to take action and to move towards it to do something about it. Versus either freezing, which is the worst one to do or running away from it.

I also really believe that when you have desire difficulty, all of a sudden the world becomes less hard and the world becomes much more doable. And I’m saying this because the self esteem that it builds is enormous. So the self esteem that comes from having desire difficulty and so if you think about life in general, I’m going to throw this thought out there too, as we close in the show comes to a close think about anything in life that you’re really proud of. You’re normally proud of it because it’s hard or it was something that was hard to overcome. And so when you have desire difficulty, the self esteem that comes from it is amazing. The growth that comes from it is amazing. The challenges that you faced forced you and force growth and improvement in your life and moved you in a positive direction. And I really believe that that is one of the biggest benefits of the desire difficulty is really to Changing and stretching, how we think and face problems.

Anyways guys, I’m out of time and I’ll catch you on the flip side peace

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