What happens when you put too much pressure on yourself?


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Pressure. We all feel it. But what happens when you put too much pressure on yourself?

The answer is simple yet profound: It can leave you stranded in a sea of stress, anxiety, and unfulfilled expectations. It’s like carrying a weight that gets heavier with each step you take. You’re always striving for perfection, yet it seems to remain just out of reach.

Most of the time pressure in our lives comes from trying to control areas we cannot instead of the areas we can. I’ll dive into more detail below.

Signs You Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself

You might be wondering, “Am I being too hard on myself?” If you’re constantly feeling overwhelmed, unsatisfied, or anxious, these could be signs you put too much pressure on yourself.

You might find yourself setting unrealistic goals, always expecting perfection, or feeling guilty for not accomplishing more. These are the chains that bind you, the weight that pulls you down. But remember, you have the power to break free.

What Happens When You Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself at Work?

Work is often where we feel the most pressure. Deadlines, performance reviews, and competition can make us feel like we’re running a race we didn’t sign up for.

This can lead to burnout, decreased productivity, and even affect our health. It’s like trying to run a marathon without training – eventually, you’ll collapse in exhaustion.

A couple of areas for pressure can come from:

  1. We try to keep others happy by performing for them, rather than doing a good job for ourselves.
  2. Avoiding the work we know we should do rather than tackling the tasks that are more enjoyable.
  3. Not being vocal about our challenges and situation to others.
  4. Gratitude is huge when it comes to pressure. Being thankful for touch situations and challenges is huge.

Being Too Hard on Yourself: What Does It Mean?

This is an easy trap to fall into. Because being too hard on yourself means setting sky-high standards and beating yourself up when you fall short. It’s like climbing a mountain without a safety harness – every misstep feels like a potential disaster. The trap is being focused on “making it” rather than the process or journey to get there. Every time you “don’t make it,” you experience letdown and defeat. But if you are journey-focused, failure is exciting because it means improvement and change.

Often times failure is more valuable than winning, because of the wisdom you gain from it.


I Put Too Much Pressure on Myself to Succeed

If you have ever played a sport or participated in a competition it is easy to get sucked into the mentality of “I have to win.” Rather than let me play the best ball I know how. It’s not about winning but about being the best you in the moment.

See success is a powerful motivator. But when you put too much pressure on yourself to succeed, it can become a double-edged sword. It can drive you forward, but it can also hold you back. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. What matters the most is you being the best you today, then growing and being the best you tomorrow.

Why Do I Put So Much Pressure on Myself to Be Perfect?

Perfectionism can be a relentless taskmaster. It demands your best and then asks for more. It’s like chasing the horizon – no matter how far you go, it remains elusive. Perfectionism is the perfect trap. Perfection does not exist in this world. There is nothing wrong with striving to be the best, but striving for perfection can be self-destructive.

Often times perfectionism comes from low self-esteem or a belief that “I am not good enough.” Thus my work is never good enough. Choosing to believe in your own value and that you are worth investing in is one of the ways out of perfectionism.

How to Stop Putting Pressure on Yourself at Work

Firstly, remember that you’re human, and humans aren’t perfect. Set realistic goals, celebrate small victories, and remember to take care of yourself. It’s like learning to dance – you won’t get every step right at first, but with practice and patience, you’ll find your rhythm.


Take time to tell yourself “good job” when completing tasks. Perfectionists oftentimes have difficulty in receiving compliments.

Let go of what other people think about. Sometimes we perform for other people’s approval.

Signs You Put Too Much Pressure on Yourself in a Relationship

In relationships, putting too much pressure on yourself can lead to anxiety, dissatisfaction, and discord. It’s like trying to fill a cup that’s already full – eventually, things will overflow.

Relationships can be very difficult to manage. Oftentimes times stress and anxiety in a relationship simply come from keeping the other party happy. The simple truth though, is that we are not in charge of other people’s happiness. If they are not happy that is their choice. If they expect you to keep them happy, they are probably not a healthy person to be in a relationship with.

Letting go of how people view you and whether they disprove or approve of you is one of the most freeing actions you can take in life.

Is Being Hard on Yourself a Sign of Depression?

Being hard on yourself can sometimes be a sign of depression. If you’re constantly feeling down, hopeless, or fatigued, it may be time to seek help. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help. It’s like reaching out your hand when you’re drowning – there’s no shame in it.

On the other hand, pressure is also good. Challenges are an important aspect in life and growth. However, there must be a balance. The key is to believe the “I can do it.” That I can rise to meet the challenge.

To sum it up. Putting too much pressure on yourself can lead to stress, anxiety, and burnout. But remember, you have the power to change. You have the power to set realistic expectations, to be kinder to yourself, to seek help when you need it. You’re not alone on this journey. So, take a deep breath, let go of the pressure, and start living a life that’s true to you.

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