Ep. 120 – A Healthy Mix


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Episode Transcript

Hey what’s up? What’s up? What’s up, everybody? Welcome back to five minute rants. Welcome back to THE a.m everybody. I’m your host, Michael Abernathy. And welcome to the show predicated on the journey of life and business, I hope you’re doing well hope life is treating you guys good. And I’m going to go ahead and get straight on into this.

So fundamentally, in life, I believe there are two things that you have to have a healthy mix of universally for everybody, to really move forward in life, and to really, really improve and have a better life in general. And What I’m talking about is, I think everybody needs to have a healthy mix of planning and work, you have to be able to think and plan and you have to be able to strategically look outside of the work you’re doing, to give yourself direction, and to identify objectives and goals, and to be able to make decisions and you have to be able to do all of that. And then you also have to be able to execute the things that you have thought about in the plan that you have created and made in order to achieve your goals. And without either of those two things without a healthy mix. And a healthy mix. I mean, like even parts, or even more parts work, less parts planning, or more parts, planning less parts work, depending on the job or the objective.

Without that there really is no forward movement in life, because a man that does whatever just becomes whatever to quote my business partner, he says that a lot. And it’s so true, that oftentimes in life, we’ve looked up in certain situations and wondered, how did I get here? How is this the point of my life? How did I end up in this place, and I’m not anywhere near the things that I’ve set out to accomplish. I’m not anywhere near my hopes or dreams, or the things that I’m passionate about that the place that I thought I would be 10 years ago, I’m not near that. And the reason why is because there’s not a healthy mix of planning and work. And see, planning requires forethought. planning requires critical thinking and logical thinking. And then you also have to have the work side of things, which is doing What you set out to do because Andrew and I early on got stuck in a lot of planning, because we were perfectionists, and we wanted everything to be perfect. We wanted to know all the steps and have everything mapped out. And it really hurt us in the long run, it really did because we did not, we did not know everything. And then we’re just stuck in this loop of trying to create the perfect plan.

And so we didn’t do the work as we should. And then we went to the other side and just worked and shipped everything. But that didn’t work either. Because we never came back to reassess the plan. And we never came back to reassess the objectives, and the vision and to make sure that as much as it was within our capability to make sure that the work that we were doing was aligned with our objectives and where we want it to be. And so we had one of those moments like, Man, this isn’t where we want to be. This is not where we thought we’d be. Why did we end up here? How did we end up here. And it’s because we didn’t have a healthy mix of thinking and planning and work, we’d have a healthy mix of planning and work we, we we did not appropriate each skill set when we needed it to be appropriated. And correctly.

So I’m saying this because if you are lacking in either of those areas, you you’re going to find that you’re not going to meet your expectations and goals and you’ll be let down. And then you’re going to look at your life and go How did I get here? And you’ve got to be able to correctly assess your own situation. Well, did I plan well enough? Well, yeah, I did I have a whole roadmap, okay, well then works the problem, right. And then you didn’t work the way you should have or you didn’t do the work that you told yourself you do in the plan, which happens a lot of times, hey, Here’s my plan for it, Here’s everything I’m going to accomplish, and you go off and do other work, which happens. And so the self discipline to do the right work to do the work that was planned out, to do the work that you pre thought. And that is driving towards your goals. It requires discipline to get there.

And I’m saying this because hopefully if there’s somebody who’s just starting out on their journey, and you’re listening to this, hopefully this will help you avoid a lot of mistakes and pain and failure down the road. If you’re willing to listen, I wish that there was somebody really at this point in time in my life years ago that would really like say this to me, like hey, you have to have both. And maybe they did and I was just too arrogant to listen. And that’s actually probably the truth is they did and I was just too arrogant to listen.

And so anyways, I hope that if you’re listening that this helps you guys and to really sit down and really map out your life and then do the things that you said you’re going to do and do the work. I’ll catch you later. Peace

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